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The University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian e-Science Symposium was held 2009-2018 and encouraged New England region libraries to collaborate and support escience initiatives at their institutions. Featuring presentations by nationally recognized leaders in the escience arena, the symposium was an educational opportunity for librarians to learn about escience resources and current initiatives. The symposium also provided a forum for librarians to discuss new library roles for engaging research communities and supporting networked science. Symposium sponsors included the Lamar Soutter Library and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine New England Region. This site is a repository of conference materials.
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Recent Publications
Publication Data Science in Libraries(2018-04-05) Burton, MatthewMathew Burton, PhD, is Assistant Professor at the School of Computing and Information, University of Pittsburgh. His presentation was about the Data Science in Libraries project, which explores the challenges associated with implementing data science within diverse library environments. They see data science skills as a way to improve internal data collection and use as well as an extension to research data management services. When they began they were especially interested in the skills gap and training opportunities (both formal and informal) that exist for librarians and ischool students, as well as the the management gap (which they see as the ability of library managers to understand and value the benefits of in-house data science skills and to provide organizational and managerial support). The Data Science in Libraries Project is funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and led by Matt Burton and Liz Lyon, School of Computing & Information, University of Pittsburgh; Chris Erdmann, North Carolina State University; and Bonnie Tijerina, Data & Society. A project report is available from a link in the presentation.Publication Facilitating Reproducibility and Collaboration with Literate Programming(2018-04-05) Dekker, HarrisonA fundamental challenge for open science is how best to create and share documents containing computational results. Traditional methods involve maintaining the code, generated tables and figures, and text as separate files and manually assembling them into a finished document. As projects grow in complexity, this approach can lead to procedures which are error prone and hard to replicate. Fortunately, new tools are emerging to address this problem and librarians who provide data services are ideally positioned to provide training. In the workshop we’ll use RStudio to demonstrate how to create a “compilable” document containing all the text elements (including bibliography), as well as the code required to create embedded graphs and tables. We’ll demonstrate how the process facilitates making revisions when, for example, a reviewer has suggested a revision or when there has been a change in the underlying data. We’ll also demonstrate the convenience of integrating version control into the workflow using RStudio’s built-in support for git. Slides and exercises are available at Data Services in Libraries: Past, Present and Future(2018-04-05) Carlson, Jake R.Jake Carlson, MLIS, MA, is Director of Research Data Services, University of Michigan Library. He presented an overview and history of data services in libraries, including challenges for the future.Publication University of Washington eScience Institute: a Data Science Institute Before "Data Science" Was Cool(2018-04-05) Parker, Micaela; Stone, SarahMicaela Parker, PhD, became the Executive Director of the eScience Institute in September 2016, a position she job shares with Dr. Sarah Stone. The mission of the University of Washington eScience Institute is to engage researchers across disciplines in developing and applying advanced computational methods and tools to real-world problems in data-intensive discovery. This presentation provides an overview of the eScience Institute and its data services.Publication Data Rescue(2018-04-05) Janz, MargaretMargaret M. Janz, MLIS, is Scholarly Communications and Data Curation Librarian, University of Pennsylvania. This presentation is about "rescuing" data and the Data Refuge project she co-founded.Publication An Introduction to Data Visualization with Tableau(2018-04-05) Nguyen, TonyTony Nguyen, MLIS, AHIP, is Technology & Communications Coordinator, National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM), Southeastern/Atlantic Region (SEA), University of Maryland, Baltimore. This presentation is an introduction to the concepts of visually representing data with the tool Tableau.Publication The Future Comes One Week at a Time: Data Outreach at Cushing/Whitney Medical Library(2018-04-05) Barnett, Lindsay; Brackett, Alexandria; Grimshaw, Alyssa; Nyhan, KateOBJECTIVE In 2017 and 2018, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library has celebrated data weeks in conjunction with three grassroots projects: Love Your Data Week 2017, Love Data Week 2018, and Endangered Data Week 2018. This poster investigates the costs and benefits of data outreach events, including workshops, tours, panels, user testing sessions, and more; the poster also describes marketing failures and successes. To what extent has this data outreach program achieved its four goals: raising the profile of the medical library as a campus data resource, helping users better document their data, collecting data on users' experience of library data services, and increasing awareness of the importance of Census data for health services research? METHODS Over two years, we have designed, implemented, and assessed data outreach programming targeted specifically at medical campus constituencies. Some events were designed for data weeks, such as a panel on Census data, social justice, and social determinants of health during Endangered Data Week 2018. Other events came from our regular menu of data-related workshops. Some successful 2017 events are being repeated in 2018, such as a data documentation-themed tour of the Cushing Tumor Registry. Less successful 2017 events evolved significantly or disappeared in 2018, and some 2018 events are entirely new, such as user testing sessions for a new research data management services website. To assess this outreach program, we use event participation statistics, surveys, and social media metrics. Web analytics are part of the assessment program in 2018. RESULTS In 2017, two medical library staffers spent ten hours (preparation and contact time), on three successful events, in one week, with more than forty in-person participants. In 2018, four medical librarians have planned ten events, across two weeks, with valuable contributions from external partners, other units at the university, and additional medical library staff. CONCLUSIONS As the two 2018 data weeks fall in February, full results will be reported at the symposium, along with lessons learned about effective marketing and project management for data outreach. Our findings will inform -- and, we hope, inspire -- data outreach programming at medical libraries and academic libraries with similar patron profiles.Publication Following the Trends in eScience: Updating the eScience Thesaurus(2018-04-05) Grynoch, TessObjective: With the recent transformation of the eScience Portal for Librarians into the new, nation-wide NNLM RD3: Resources for Data-Driven Discovery site, the eScience Thesaurus was updated and renamed the Data Thesaurus. A literature review of library-focused eScience articles was performed to update the term pages of the Thesaurus. Using term mapping, what can these articles tell us about the trends in eScience research? Methods: A comprehensive literature review was performed October 2016 as part of the eScience Thesaurus update. Using the search strategy and resources listed by Kevin et al. (2013) to create the Thesaurus and limiting the date range of the articles from 2013-2016, 714 articles were found and citation information was imported into Mendeley. The citation information was then imported into VOSviewer for visualization and analysis. Results: The central term within the citation information is data, being both the most prevalent and spread across all years. Terms such as information, data curation, and institutional repository appear more often in earlier papers. More recent publications have a higher prevalence of terms such as big data, data quality, and open data. Conclusion: Using term mapping, one can visualize the shift in the publishing trends of a field, even in a small field such as library-focused eScience research, but a larger dataset with a larger date range is recommended for a better understanding of trends. The updated Thesaurus will be available at coming April 2018.Publication Creating Connections With Your Community(2017-04-06) Gore, Sally A.; Bouquin, Daina; Mickle, Audrey; Woell, Yvette N.In this moderated panel discussion on "Creating Connections With Your Community," librarians discuss their unique libraries and the populations they serve. The panel also addresses building professional networks, and challenges and discoveries related to data and data management. Moderator: Sally Gore, MS, MSLIS Research Evaluation Analyst UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science University of Massachusetts Medical School Panelists: Daina Bouquin, MLIS, CAS Head Librarian, John G. Wolbach Library Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Audrey Mickle, MLIS Data Librarian, MBLWHOI Library Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Yvette Woell, MLIS, MSMOB Library Manager, Argonne Research Library Argonne National LaboratoryPublication Agenda: 2018 University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian e-Science Symposium(2018-04-05) e-Science SymposiumAgenda for the 10th annual University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian e-Science Symposium, held Thursday, April 5, 2018 at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA.Publication Sex, Lies, and Data(2017-04-06) Swauger, SheaObjective: The objective of this presentation is to demonstrate how current research ethics policies and procedures can fail to achieve meaningful privacy and consent from human subjects in data-related research areas, and additionally, to provide the beginnings of a supplementary framework that researchers can use to define meaningful consent. Methods: I will illustrate failures of current research ethics involving lapses in privacy and/or consent from three case studies of published research based on user data from Facebook, OkCupid and Ashley Madison. Results: The standard mechanisms by which we measure ethical soundness is producing morally questionable research when applied to some data-related research. While the policies and procedures of journals and regulatory bodies need to adapt to meet these new contexts, researchers can take ownership of the ethical ramifications of their work. Conclusions: I submit that researchers need to develop and train in a new subset set of ethics, called Data Ethics, or the applied framework of ethical principles in data-related inquiry, and beginning with a meaningful definition and test for consent is a good start.Publication An Impact Agenda for Biomedical Libraries(2017-04-06) Holmes, KristiKristi Holmes, PhD is the Director of Galter Health Sciences Library and an Associate Professor in the Department of Preventative Medicine (Health and Biomedical Informatics) and the Department of Medical Education at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Dr. Holmes leads evaluation activities for several programs, including the Evaluation and Continuous Improvement Program in the Northwestern University Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (NUCATS), in addition to serving on its executive committee. In her role as director of Galter Library, she is excited to have an opportunity to help define new roles and opportunities for the modern biomedical research library in an increasingly informatics and data-driven environment. "An Impact Agenda for Biomedical Libraries" focuses on her work as Director of Evaluation for the Northwestern University Clinical and Translational Sciences (NUCATS). Dr. Holmes addresses The CTSA Consortium, collaboration in libraries, and using evaluation to define success and research impact.Publication A Collaborative Clearinghouse for Data Management Training and Education Resources(2017-04-06) Hou, Chung-Yi; Hoebelheinrich, Nancy; Bassendine, David; Nelson, John C.; Norkin, Tamar; Faundeen, John; Budden, Amber; Mayernik, Matthew S.; Robinson, ErinObjective: The main objectives of this breakout session are for the Data Management Training (DMT) Clearinghouse team to: 1) introduce the Clearinghouse and its current design and implementation, 2) solicit submissions to its learning resource inventory, and 3) collect feedback upon its web interface and future development. Features of the Clearinghouse that will be demonstrated include how to search and browse its inventory as well as submit a learning resource to the Clearinghouse using the LRMI (Learning Resource Metadata Initiative) metadata format. The team will also share the roadmap for the Clearinghouse’s upcoming features. In order to provide feedback regarding the Clearinghouse’s usability, the team will invite the session attendees to test the Clearinghouse’s services and will encourage comments to guide its future development. Setting/Participants/Resources: Since the DMT Clearinghouse is entirely accessible via the web, in order to demonstrate the Clearinghouse successfully, a reliable (and preferably free of charge) internet connection, and an overhead projecting capability will need to be available to the presenter. It would also be very useful for the attendees of the session to have access to the same internet connection, so that if they desire, the attendees can follow along with the steps of the demonstration, and contribute to the Clearinghouse inventory. The main presenter will plan to bring her own laptop with built-in standard HDMI and USB ports. As a result, it will be helpful if a HDMI or USB cable could also be provided for the presenter to connect her laptop to the projecting equipment. Method: Many research organizations, government agencies, and academic institutions have been developing excellent learning resources in order to support and meet the needs for data management training. However, these learning resources are often hosted on various websites and spread across various scientific domains. Consequently, these resources can be difficult to locate, especially by those who are not already familiar with the creators/authors. This is a barrier to the use and reuse of these resources, and can have significant impact on the promotion and propagation of best practices for data management. To address this need within the Earth sciences, the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Community for Data Integration (CDI), the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP), and the Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE) have collaborated to create a web-based Clearinghouse1 for collecting data management learning resources that are focused on the Earth sciences. The initial seed funding for the effort was provided by a grant received from the USGS CDI earlier in 2016, and ESIP’s Drupal site provided the hosting infrastructure for the Clearinghouse. Members from the USGS, DataONE, ESIP’s Data Stewardship Committee and its Data Management Training Working Group, Knowledge Motifs LLC, as well as Blue Dot Lab met regularly between April and October, 2016 in order to discuss, create, and implement the content structure and infrastructure components necessary to build the current revision of the Clearinghouse. 1. Results: As a registry of information about the educational resources on topics related to research data management (initially focused on Earth sciences), the Clearinghouse serves as a centralized location for searching or browsing an inventory of these learning resources. Currently, the Clearinghouse offers search and browse functionality that is open to all, and submission of information about educational resources by login with a free ESIP account. To assist with discoverability, the learning resources are described using Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI) schema. Additionally, the resources may be associated with the steps of data and research life cycles, such as the USGS CDI’s Science Support Framework2 and DataONE’s Data Life Cycle3. Leveraging the team’s collective experience in creating, presenting and distributing data management learning resources, the Clearinghouse included the learning resources from USGS, ESIP, and DataONE as its initial inventory, but is expanding to resources from NASA and others. Crowdsourcing is currently the main mechanism for sustaining the Clearinghouse. Going forward, in addition to the built-in workflow to allow anyone from the public to submit descriptive information about the data management learning resources that s/he wishes to share, future capabilities will be added to enable contributions to review, edit, and rank the submissions, as desired. 2. 3. Discussion/Conclusion: The DMT Clearinghouse team was successful in completing the initial development phase as scheduled for the first six months of its funding, including some informal usability testing of the interface. The team aims to continue to develop and enhance the Clearinghouse’s capabilities, including the evaluation of its usability, through collaboration with additional communities, and if feasible, adding the capability for bulk-loading of learning resources. Being able to present the Clearinghouse at the eScience Symposium would not only allow those who are involved with or would like to learn about data management to leverage the Clearinghouse’s resources, but also connect those who would like to contribute to the project with the Clearinghouse team. Ultimately, the Clearinghouse is designed so that the resources from its inventory could be used in a variety of data management training and education environments. By exposing the Clearinghouse to diverse users and communities, the Clearinghouse team can better assess how the Clearinghouse can be updated and what technological enhancements to pursue in the future in order to improve our support of research data management training needs.Publication Agenda: 2017 University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian e-Science Symposium(2017-04-06) e-Science SymposiumAgenda for the 9th annual University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian e-Science Symposium, held Thursday, April 6, 2017 at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA.Publication Managing data management: building a RDM service at MIT Libraries(2017-04-06) Malinowski, Christine; Ayers, PhoebeThe MIT Libraries’ Data Management Services Program (DMS) provides services in research data management (RDM) – including assistance with creating data management plans, individual RDM consultations for individuals and labs, and workshops on RDM best practices and technologies. DMS assists researchers from across campus on projects ranging from in-depth, multi-week consultations to quick, one-off advice and feedback. Questions and referrals come to DMS from the library’s reference service and subject specialists, as well as directly from researchers. DMS is currently comprised of one full-time research data librarian and six additional team members (3 new in the last six months) that have split appointments between DMS and other library departments. Additionally, DMS collaborates with groups within and external to the Libraries who have related areas of expertise. Managing a team with varying levels of bandwidth and many competing duties has led to many challenges in maintaining consistent and up-to-date knowledge of RDM across all team members, coordinating and completing new projects to expand our services, and tracking and maintaining researcher contact for future outreach. In this presentation, we will provide an overview of how the MIT Libraries DMS team works, some examples of our recent projects and consultations, our specific (but certainly generalizable) challenges of providing and expanding RDM services, and the tools that we use to meet those challenges and ensure speedy and accurate service. These include a wiki-based knowledgebase, dynamic project plans using Tableau software, a rotating on-call list, and biweekly RDM updates emails. Participants will get a chance to share their own organizational solutions or brainstorm how to tackle unresolved challenges with the benefit of tapping the experiences and lessons learned from the presenters and other attendees.Publication Adapting the Library Repository to Accommodate Research Data, Publications, and Partnering with Researchers(2017-04-06) Creamer, Andrew T.; Lappen, Hope; Sarkar, Indra Neil; Sevetson, ErikaBrown University Library originally created the Brown Digital Repository (BDR) in 2011 to serve the digital content storage and dissemination needs of its Special Collections and Center for Digital Scholarship (CDS). Since then, the BDR has evolved to serve a broader group of stakeholders, including the science librarians, who deposit researchers’ data along with the supplementary materials underlying their publications, collections of data to comply with a grant-funder’s requirements for data sharing, and faculty publications. Some university library systems have created separate repositories for data, such as the Universities of Michigan and Minnesota. However, for libraries at smaller institutions, having a separate system for images, publications, and data may not be the most-feasible or affordable short-term solution. Over the last year, Brown’s science librarians and developers have been planning to make enhancements and changes to the BDR to improve its ingest, dissemination, and overall capabilities for preserving the long-term access of research data as well as make the necessary adaptations to the way that the BDR collects faculty publications, with the aim of it being a resource to help researchers with retaining their final approved manuscripts and complying with their funders’ public access policies. These shifts, from a focus on ingesting and displaying images to a focus on data and publications have exposed many issues and challenges that librarians considering adapting their existing repositories to accommodate data and public access mandates should hear. At the same time, the Library has been working with the Brown Center for Biomedical Informatics to integrate its science librarians and repository infrastructure into grant-funded projects, such as an NLM Administrative Supplement for Informationist Services. In the second half of the session, Dr. Neil Sarkar, the Director of the Brown Center for Biomedical Informatics, and Principal Investigator on the NLM Administrative Supplement, will provide a keynote address, which will cover: (1) faculty perspectives academic libraries should have in mind while adapting their repositories for tracking and making available their faculty’s scholarly output; (2) ways libraries can develop infrastructure to partner with their faculty on research projects and grant-funded initiatives, such as clinical and translational science; (3) ways that libraries could integrate their repositories into existing systems for recording scholarly output, such as My NCBI’s My Bibliography as well as systems for displaying researcher and scholarship ontologies such as VIVO; and (4) ways that libraries can adapt their repositories to provide meaningful analytics and metrics for measuring the impact of their researcher communities.Publication Event Brochure: 2017 University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian e-Science Symposium(2017-04-06) e-Science SymposiumEvent brochure for the 9th Annual University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian e-Science Symposium, held Thursday, April 6, 2017, at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA. The brochure includes the symposium event schedule, speaker biographies, and additional resources.Publication Building Research Data Services at Mount Holyoke College(2017-04-06) Adamo, Julie; Baker, Nick; Burke, James; Glackin, Mary; Oelker, SarahObjective: Mount Holyoke College ranks high among liberal arts colleges in faculty research activities and has just initiated a new program in Data Science. In this context, and given the recent growth in the use of very large datasets in research, more coherent and comprehensive campus support for the management and storage of faculty research data at Mount Holyoke has become essential. This poster will describe how Library, Information, and Technology Services (LITS) at Mount Holyoke (a merged library and IT organization), strove to analyze faculty research data management and storage needs, develop policies and procedures for meeting these needs, set out support models for research data lifecycle management, and determined responsibilities for consultation and support. Methods: In 2015-2016, a working group of MHC librarians and technologists from the Research and Instructional Support (RIS) Department began exploring the need for data services at MHC. The RIS team focussed on studying data services models at other institutions, administered a survey to learn about faculty research data practices, and finally developed a proposal for expanded data services at MHC. Also in the spring of 2016, a cross-functional team was formed to meet faculty data storage and backup needs. Ten members were drawn from multiple library and IT departments. This team developed use cases and personas to begin guiding the development of policies and procedures and planning infrastructure provisioning. Additionally, metadata librarians, research and instruction librarians, and digital assets managers planned support models for metadata creation and research data management planning. Results: Gathering information from the faculty survey and interviews, along with background study of data services models elsewhere, gave LITS a better understanding of our users’ needs. These insights guided LITS in developing matrices of needs, services, and support responsibilities that allow us to better meet support requirements and future infrastructure provisioning for data storage and processing. LITS has also developed resources to support faculty in crafting research data management plans (DMPs) and creating metadata for archiving newly created data sets. LITS has recently arranged access for Mount Holyoke researchers to the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) and created an MHC Data Center to provide data storage and backup on LITS maintained servers. Conclusion: The work of the Research and Instructional Support team and the LITS cross-functional team for research data support has given us a much clearer picture of how Mount Holyoke researchers are using and managing their data and has allowed us to begin plotting a path to a more coherent and robust set of services to support them in their work.Publication Hybrid Data Services Librarians A concept for integrating a data services librarian into an existing role(2017-04-06) Painter, ZacharyObjective: To demonstrate how to incorporate a data services librarian role into another role for a library, often where staff or workload limitations are prohibitive for hiring a specialist. Method: An R2 university which until recently was not a DRU, attempted to combine a traditional research and instruction liaison role to a subject specialty and a new data services role. The university, needing a subject specialist for a prominent set of disciplines, but also needing a librarian to handle the new demand (or expectation) for data services, combined the two roles into one position. Changes were made to the role of the outgoing librarian to accommodate the new data services role, while an essential body for reference and instruction was not lost to the department. Results: The initial structuring of duties has been managed without much issue. Selecting facets of data services to provide to the campus, rather than trying to contribute the entire corpus of data services, has effectively managed the workload of one staff member who also works normal reference, instruction, and liaison shifts within the library. Conclusions: Libraries with limited staffing abilities need not fear the inability to hire a full time data services librarian, so long as someone on the staff is willing to take the responsibility. The distribution of labor, while perhaps an addition to the workload of a staff member, need not be arduous or difficult provided that the individual(s) have a clear plan for how to provide the needed services for a campus.Publication Tackling New Federal Agency Public Access Mandates at the University of Arizona(2017-04-06) Saleh, Ahlam A.; Kollen, Christine; Lee, Dan; Pryor, Scott; Schultz, LoriObjective: In 2014, federal agencies began releasing their implementation plans in response to the 2013 White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Research policy memorandum. The University has in place an established Data Management support service, which has addressed new data requirements. However, in early 2016 the University of Arizona Libraries (UAL) and Office of Research, Discovery & Innovation (RDI) convened to discuss how the university can help researchers address these new growing federal agency mandates on manuscripts and data. Methods: By the summer of 2016, a collaboration of UA Libraries and the office of RDI formed the University of Arizona Public Access Working Group. Results: Since receiving its charge, the working group has continued to meet on a regular basis. Thus far, the group activities have included scheduled campus informational sessions and the development of guides and a resource page. Conclusions: Next steps include expanding the list of entities covered to go beyond federal agencies. Additionally, the working group will soon start conversations with faculty stakeholders on developing a robust Open Science infrastructure and ecosystem for the University of Arizona.