Report of the Medical Image De-Identification (MIDI) Task Group - Best Practices and Recommendations [preprint]
Clunie, David A ; Flanders, Adam ; Taylor, Adam ; Erickson, Brad ; Bialecki, Brian ; Brundage, David ; Gutman, David ; Prior, Fred ; Seibert, J Anthony ; Perry, John ... show 10 more
Flanders, Adam
Taylor, Adam
Erickson, Brad
Bialecki, Brian
Brundage, David
Gutman, David
Prior, Fred
Seibert, J Anthony
Perry, John
Gichoya, Judy Wawira
Kirby, Justin
Andriole, Katherine
Geneslaw, Luke
Moore, Steve
FitzGerald, Thomas J
Tellis, Wyatt
Xiao, Ying
Farahani, Keyvan
Luo, James
Rosenthal, Alex
Kandarpa, Kris
Rosen, Rebecca
Goetz, Kerry
Babcock, Debra
Xu, Ben
Hsiao, John
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This report addresses the technical aspects of de-identification of medical images of human subjects and biospecimens, such that re-identification risk of ethical, moral, and legal concern is sufficiently reduced to allow unrestricted public sharing for any purpose, regardless of the jurisdiction of the source and distribution sites. All medical images, regardless of the mode of acquisition, are considered, though the primary emphasis is on those with accompanying data elements, especially those encoded in formats in which the data elements are embedded, particularly Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM). These images include image-like objects such as Segmentations, Parametric Maps, and Radiotherapy (RT) Dose objects. The scope also includes related non-image objects, such as RT Structure Sets, Plans and Dose Volume Histograms, Structured Reports, and Presentation States. Only de-identification of publicly released data is considered, and alternative approaches to privacy preservation, such as federated learning for artificial intelligence (AI) model development, are out of scope, as are issues of privacy leakage from AI model sharing. Only technical issues of public sharing are addressed.
Clunie DA, Flanders A, Taylor A, Erickson B, Bialecki B, Brundage D, Gutman D, Prior F, Seibert JA, Perry J, Gichoya JW, Kirby J, Andriole K, Geneslaw L, Moore S, Fitzgerald TJ, Tellis W, Xiao Y, Farahani K, Luo J, Rosenthal A, Kandarpa K, Rosen R, Goetz K, Babcock D, Xu B, Hsiao J. Report of the Medical Image De-Identification (MIDI) Task Group - Best Practices and Recommendations. ArXiv [Preprint]. 2023 Apr 1:arXiv:2303.10473v2. PMID: 37033463; PMCID: PMC10081345.
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This article is a preprint. Preprints are preliminary reports of work that have not been certified by peer review.