Dynamics of dengue virus-specific B cells in the response to dengue virus-1 infections using flow cytometry with labeled virions
Woda, Marcia ; Friberg, Heather ; Currier, Jeffrey R. ; Srikiatkhachorn, Anon ; Macareo, Louis R. ; Green, Sharone ; Jarman, Richard G. ; Rothman, Alan L. ; Mathew, Anuja
Friberg, Heather
Currier, Jeffrey R.
Srikiatkhachorn, Anon
Macareo, Louis R.
Green, Sharone
Jarman, Richard G.
Rothman, Alan L.
Mathew, Anuja
Student Authors
Faculty Advisor
Academic Program
UMass Chan Affiliations
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BACKGROUND: The development of reagents to identify and characterize antigen-specific B cells has been challenging.
METHODS: We recently developed Alexa Fluor-labeled dengue viruses (AF DENV) to characterize antigen-specific B cells in the peripheral blood of DENV-immune individuals.
RESULTS: In this study, we used AF DENV-1 together with AF DENV-2 on PBMC from children in Thailand undergoing acute primary or secondary DENV-1 infections to analyze the phenotypes of antigen-specific B cells that reflected their exposure or clinical diagnosis. DENV serotype-specific and cross-reactive B cells were identified in PBMC from all subjects. Frequencies of AF-DENV+ class switched memory B cells (IgD-CD27+ CD19+ cells) reached up to 8% during acute infection and early convalescence. AF DENV-labeled B cells expressed high levels of CD27 and CD38 during acute infection, characteristic of plasmablasts, and transitioned into memory B cells (CD38-CD27+) at the early convalescent time point. There was higher activation of memory B cells early during acute secondary infection suggesting reactivation from a previous DENV infection.
CONCLUSIONS: AF DENV reveal changes in the phenotype of DENV serotype-specific and cross-reactive B cells during and after natural DENV infection and could be useful in analysis of the response to DENV vaccination.
J Infect Dis. 2016 Oct 1;214(7):1001-9. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiw308. Epub 2016 Jul 20. Link to article on publisher's site