
Identification of Obesity and Cardiovascular Risk in Ethnically and Racially Diverse Populations: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

Rao, Goutham
Powell-Wiley, Tiffany M.
Ancheta, Irma
Hairston, Kristen
Kirley, Katherine
Lear, Scott A.
North, Kari E.
Palaniappan, Latha
Rosal, Milagros C
American Heart Association Obesity Committee of the Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health
Embargo Expiration Date

The purpose of this scientific statement is to describe the limitations of current simple measures, such as the use of BMI with standard thresholds to identify overweight and obesity, as applied to racial and ethnic minorities. The statement also addresses potential alternatives, as well as the diagnosis of obesity based on multiple risk factors, including race and ethnicity. On the basis of our extensive, systematic review of current literature and in collaboration with the American Heart Association’s (AHA) Obesity Committee of the Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health, we have also made some key recommendations for clinical practice, research, and public health for improved identification of obesity and cardiovascular risks in a racially and ethnically diverse population.


Circulation. 2015 Aug 4;132(5):457-72. doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000223. Epub 2015 Jul 6. Link to article on publisher's site

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