Longitudinal outcome of young adults who participated in a psychiatric vocational rehabilitation program
Ellison, Marsha Langer ; Danley, Karen Sue ; Bromberg, Clifford ; Palmer-Erbs, Victoria
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A longitudinal study presents the outcomes for participants in a psychiatric rehabilitation program for young adults. Five to nine years after the baseline and end of intervention, participants showed a maintenance of in initial gains in vocational and educational status, self-esteem scores, and hospitalization rates. Additional data on work outcomes and quality of life are presented.
Ellison, M. L., Danley, K. S., Bromberg, L. & Palmer-Erbs, V. (1999). Longitudinal outcome of young adults who participated in a psychiatric vocational rehabilitation program. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 22(4), 337-341. Link to article on publisher's website
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At the time of publication, Marsha Langer Ellison was not yet affiliated with the University of Massachusetts Medical School.