Adult lifetime prevalence of firesetting behaviors in a state hospital population
Geller, Jeffrey L. ; Fisher, William H. ; Moynihan, Kate
Student Authors
Faculty Advisor
Academic Program
UMass Chan Affiliations
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Cognitive Therapy
Firesetting Behavior
Hospitals, State
Mental Disorders
Middle Aged
Patient Admission
Psychiatric Status Rating Scales
Self-Injurious Behavior
Health Services Research
Mental and Social Health
Psychiatric and Mental Health
Psychiatry and Psychology
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Hospital records of all patients under age 65 years old on the census of Worcester State Hospital (WSH) on October 25, 1988 (n = 279) were reviewed for indications of firesetting behaviors during the individuals' adult lifetime. The prevalence of firesetting behaviors was found to be 27.2%. The prevalence of firesetting episodes, a subset of firesetting behaviors, was found to be 17.6%. A stepwise discriminant function analysis was used to determine whether any factors significantly differentiated the members of the firesetting behavior group from the remainder of the population. This analysis revealed that the number of WSH admissions, the number of admissions to other inpatient facilities, and a history of injurious behavior to self are significant positive predictors of membership in the firesetting behaviors group. The results of the WSH analysis are very similar to those found at Northampton State Hospital in 1983. These high prevalence rates have implication for treatment, education, record keeping, and liability.
Psychiatr Q. 1992 Summer;63(2):129-42.