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[Venous thromboembolism risk and prophylaxis in the acute hospital care setting (ENDORSE II study): results of a Mexican national cross-sectional study]

Martinez-Zubieta, Ricardo
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BACKGROUND: It is well known that a significant proportion of hospitalized medical and surgical patients with risk factors for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) are not receiving thromboprophylaxis. We designed this study to evaluate the proportion of at-risk patients and the proportion of those receiving recommended prophylaxis.

METHODS: We conducted a multicentric cross-sectional survey that included medical and surgical patients from 43 hospitals throughout Mexico. Patients who were at risk for DVT according to the ACCP 2004 guidelines were included and evaluated for thromboprophylaxis.

RESULTS: Overall, 625 patients were at risk: 308 (49%) surgical patients and 317 (51%) medical patients. There were 179 (58%) surgical patients receiving recommended prophylaxis, whereas medical patients represented 117 (37%) patients.

CONCLUSIONS: There is a significant proportion of hospitalized medical and surgical patients at risk for DVT. There is also a significant underutilization of recommended thromboprophylaxis among these patients.


Cir Cir. 2010 Jul-Aug;78(4):328-35. Link to publisher's website

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