Repository Refresh
Peri, Nina ; Battaglia, Hayley
Student Authors
Faculty Advisor
Academic Program
UMass Chan Affiliations
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A repository should continue to grow and improve to match the progress of the institution whose scholarship it reflects. To ensure this growth, it is important for repository managers to take a step back, assess current practices, explore the potential of the IR platform, and remain aware of new developments in the community. Over the past year, we have worked to revamp our IR, DigitalCommons@Fairfield, by designing a new aesthetic, working with our community to build new collections, including work form a wider pool of contributors, and communicating the purpose, value, and potential of the IR to our stakeholders through additional outreach methods. Our presentation will cover the steps we took to inject new life into DigitalCommons@Fairfield and how we worked to incite interest in the possibilities offered by our repository.