Practice Site Heterogeneity within and between Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations
Dyer, Zachary ; Alcusky, Matthew J ; Himmelstein, Jay ; Ash, Arlene S. ; Kerrissey, Michaela
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The existing literature has considered accountable care organizations (ACOs) as whole entities, neglecting potentially important variations in the characteristics and experiences of the individual practice sites that comprise them. In this observational cross-sectional study, our aim is to characterize the experience, capacity, and process heterogeneity at the practice site level within and between Medicaid ACOs, drawing on the Massachusetts Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (MassHealth), which launched an ACO reform effort in 2018. We used a 2019 survey of a representative sample of administrators from practice sites participating in Medicaid ACOs in Massachusetts (n = 225). We quantified the clustering of responses by practice site within all 17 Medicaid ACOs in Massachusetts for measures of process change, previous experience with alternative payment models, and changes in the practices' ability to deliver high-quality care. Using multilevel logistic models, we calculated median odds ratios (MORs) and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) to quantify the variation within and between ACOs for each measure. We found greater heterogeneity within the ACOs than between them for all measures, regardless of practice site and ACO characteristics (all ICCs ≤ 0.26). Our research indicates diverse experience with, and capacity for, implementing ACO initiatives across practice sites in Medicaid ACOs. Future research and program design should account for characteristics of practice sites within ACOs.
Dyer Z, Alcusky M, Himmelstein J, Ash A, Kerrissey M. Practice Site Heterogeneity within and between Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations. Healthcare (Basel). 2024 Jan 20;12(2):266. doi: 10.3390/healthcare12020266. PMID: 38275548; PMCID: PMC10815263.