Describing advanced practice provider roles within critical care teams with Tele-ICUs: Exemplars from seven US health systems
Rincon, Teresa A. ; Carpenter, Dawn ; Cucchi, Eric ; Kleinpell, Ruth M.
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Telehealth is an acknowledged strategy to meet patient healthcare needs. In critical care settings, Tele-ICU's are expanding to deliver clinical services across a diverse spectrum of critically ill patients. The expansion of telehealth provides increased opportunities for advanced practice providers including advanced practice nurses and physician assistants; however, limited information on roles and models of care for advanced practice providers in telehealth exist. This article reviews current and evolving roles for advanced practice providers in telehealth in acute and critical care settings across 7 healthcare systems in the United States. The health system exemplars described in this article identify the important role of advanced practice providers in providing patient care oversight and in improving outcomes for acute and critically ill patients. As telehealth continues to expand, additional opportunities will lead to novel roles for advanced practice providers in the field of telehealth to assist with patient care management for subacute, acute, and critically ill patients.
Nurs Outlook. 2019 Jun 18. pii: S0029-6554(19)30070-3. doi: 10.1016/j.outlook.2019.06.005. [Epub ahead of print] Link to article on publisher's site
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Full list of authors omitted for brevity. For full list see article.