Systematic Review of Evidence of Interventions Addressing Disparities in Oral Health for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: Year 2
Clifford, Christine J. ; Bonardi, Alexandra ; Holder, Matthew
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UMass Chan Affiliations
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Preventive oral health care and treatment for individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability (I/DD) is a leading public health disparity. Evidence points to poorer oral hygiene, higher prevalence and greater severity of periodontal disease, as well as a higher incidence of untreated caries in the I/DD population. In year 1 of this systematic review, the literature was searched and screened for inclusion, developing an extensive database of interventions to increase access and behavioral oral health interventions for individuals with I/DD. The objective of year 2 of the systematic review is to examine this literature in depth. Data review and assessment will be conducted in an electronic repository. Incorporating a public health approach, including social, personal and environmental factors, the team will assess, sort and summarize the interventions, providing a better understanding of common themes. Expert clinicians and methodologists will conduct an assessment of the evidence with a consideration of the execution, design suitability, number of studies available, consistency of findings, effect size, and whether expert opinion was used. In addition, findings resulting from a lack of evidence due to poor study design, small sample size, inconsistent findings, small effect sizes, or other limitations in the study will be identified and catalogued. Reviewed findings will be synthesized to identify effective interventions to reduce oral health disparities in adults with I/DD. These findings will be presented, in addition to a catalogue of promising interventions that have yet to be demonstrated but nevertheless are viewed as promising approaches to reduce disparities.
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Presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting on November 17, 2014, New Orleans, LA.