Changes in mammography use: economic, need, and service factors
Zapka, Jane G. ; Hosmer, David W. ; Costanza, Mary E. ; Harris, Donald R. ; Stoddard, Anne M.
Student Authors
Faculty Advisor
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Health Services Accessibility
Health Services Needs and Demand
Health Services Research
Insurance, Health
Mass Screening
Medical History Taking
Middle Aged
*Patient Acceptance of Health Care
Patient Education
Urban Population
Life Sciences
Medicine and Health Sciences
Women's Studies
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OBJECTIVES. The purpose of this study was to document changes in mammography use between 1987 and 1990 and assess the relationship of use to selected economic, need, and health system factors.
METHODS. Independent random-digit-dialed telephone surveys of women between 52 and 75 years of age were conducted.
RESULTS. Between 1987 and 1990, the proportion of women who had had a mammogram in the past year increased from 31% to 51%. Though income was significantly related to overall patterns of use, it was not associated with recent mammogram use in 1990. Women with a family history of breast cancer reported greater use at both times, as did women who reported having a regular physician (particularly a gynecologist or internist). When all other variables were controlled for, women were over nine times more likely to have had multiple and recent mammograms in 1990 than in 1987.
CONCLUSIONS. Mammography use dramatically increased between 1987 and 1990. There were strong relationships between the type of regular physician and mammography screening and between economic and personal history and repeated and recent mammography use.
Am J Public Health. 1992 Oct;82(10):1345-51.