NN/LM NER Healthy Community, Community of Interest Final Report (May 1, 2011 - April 30, 2013)
Eberle, Michelle L. ; Clark, Deborah
Student Authors
Faculty Advisor
Academic Program
UMass Chan Affiliations
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The NN/LM New England Region’s Communities of Interest (COI) foster emerging roles for librarians in dynamic themes in the provision of health information. Members of Communities of Interests share ideas, knowledge, and experiences to help each other improve their library’s services. The Communities of Interest focus on six themes: eScience, Healthcare Workforce, Health Literacy, Healthy Communities, HealthIT, and Knowledge Management. These themes were identified by the NN/LM New England Region at a Town Hall Meeting as priorities for professional development and collaboration. The Communities of Interest host e-learning programs to keep Network Members up-to-date with trends in the profession.
The Healthy Communities COI explores issues related to health information and education outreach to the public in general as well as underserved populations. Topics include planning, implementing, and evaluating community outreach activities, communicating health information to patients and the public, and contributing to your institution to provide community benefit. The COI’s are facilitated by NER staff and led by a Network Member. The Healthy Communities COI is facilitated by Michelle Eberle, Consumer Health Information Coordinator, and led by Deborah Clark, Librarian at Stephens Memorial Hospital. Deborah served as the Leader for Year One and Two. This report summarizes activities from the Community of Interest's first two year.