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OMEGA: a software tool for the management, analysis, and dissemination of intracellular trafficking data that incorporates motion type classification and quality control [preprint]

Rigano, Alessandro
Galli, Vanni
Clark, Jasmine M.
Pereira, Lara E.
Grossi, Loris
Luban, Jeremy
Giulietti, Raffaello
Leidi, Tiziano
Hunter, Eric
Valle, Mario
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MOTIVATION: Particle tracking coupled with time-lapse microscopy is critical for understanding the dynamics of intracellular processes of clinical importance. Spurred on by advances in the spatiotemporal resolution of microscopy and automated computational methods, this field is increasingly amenable to multi-dimensional high-throughput data collection schemes (Snijder et al, 2012). Typically, complex particle tracking datasets generated by individual laboratories are produced with incompatible methodologies that preclude comparison to each other. There is therefore an unmet need for data management systems that facilitate data standardization, meta-analysis, and structured data dissemination. The integration of analysis, visualization, and quality control capabilities into such systems would eliminate the need for manual transfer of data to diverse downstream analysis tools. At the same time, it would lay the foundation for shared trajectory data, particle tracking, and motion analysis standards.

RESULTS: Here, we present Open Microscopy Environment inteGrated Analysis (OMEGA), a cross-platform data management, analysis, and visualization system, for particle tracking data, with particular emphasis on results from viral and vesicular trafficking experiments. OMEGA provides easy to use graphical interfaces to implement integrated particle tracking and motion analysis workflows while keeping track of error propagation and data provenance. Specifically, OMEGA: 1) imports image data and metadata from data management tools such as Open Microscopy Environment Remote Objects (OMERO; Allan et al., 2012); 2) tracks intracellular particles moving across time series of image planes; 3) facilitates parameter optimization and trajectory results inspection and validation; 4) performs downstream trajectory analysis and motion type classification; 5) estimates the uncertainty associated with motion analysis; and, 6) facilitates storage and dissemination of analysis results, and analysis definition metadata, on the basis of our newly proposed Minimum Information About Particle Tracking Experiments (MIAPTE; Rigano & Strambio-De-Castillia, 2016; 2017) guidelines in combination with the OME-XML data model (Goldberg et al, 2005).


bioRxiv 251850; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/251850. Link to preprint on bioRxiv service.

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