RISC assembly defects in the Drosophila RNAi mutant armitage
Tomari, Yukihide ; Du, Tingting ; Haley, Benjamin ; Schwarz, Dianne S. ; Bennett, Ryan ; Cook, Heather A. ; Koppetsch, Birgit S. ; Theurkauf, William E. ; Zamore, Phillip D.
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The putative RNA helicase, Armitage (Armi), is required to repress oskar translation in Drosophila oocytes; armi mutant females are sterile and armi mutations disrupt anteroposterior and dorsoventral patterning. Here, we show that armi is required for RNAi. armi mutant male germ cells fail to silence Stellate, a gene regulated endogenously by RNAi, and lysates from armi mutant ovaries are defective for RNAi in vitro. Native gel analysis of protein-siRNA complexes in wild-type and armi mutant ovary lysates suggests that armi mutants support early steps in the RNAi pathway but are defective in the production of active RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), which mediates target RNA destruction in RNAi. Our results suggest that armi is required for RISC maturation.
Cell. 2004 Mar 19;116(6):831-41.