Are pretrial commitments for forensic evaluation used to control nuisance behavior
Appelbaum, Kenneth L. ; Fisher, William H. ; Nestelbaum, Zamir ; Bateman, Anne
Student Authors
Faculty Advisor
Academic Program
UMass Chan Affiliations
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Antisocial Personality Disorder
Commitment of Mentally Ill
*Dangerous Behavior
Expert Testimony
Forensic Psychiatry
Middle Aged
Referral and Consultation
Social Behavior
Social Control, Formal
Health Services Research
Mental and Social Health
Psychiatric and Mental Health
Psychiatry and Psychology
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The shift to dangerousness-oriented civil commitment criteria has led to speculation that mentally ill persons who do not meet those criteria are being hospitalized under criminal commitment statutes. Using data on patients' psychiatric symptoms at admission to a state hospital in Massachusetts, the authors retrospectively assessed whether patients charged with minor criminal offenses who were committed for evaluation of competence to stand trial would have met civil commitment criteria. The data suggest that most mentally ill patients who were criminally committed could have been civilly committed. However, a relatively greater proportion of persons with substance abuse, mental retardation, or other conditions who did not meet civil commitment criteria for mental illness were committed for pretrial evaluation.
Hosp Community Psychiatry. 1992 Jun;43(6):603-7.