Healthy Homes Asthma Survey
Corbacio, John ; Delgado, Amy ; Ford, MaryAnn ; Giaquinto, Nicole ; Nabanja, Sandra ; Wright, Jayson-Ann ; Ackerson, Leland K.
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UMass Chan Affiliations
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Asthma is a serious health concern among older adults in Massachusetts, the age group with the highest number of deaths due to asthma. The objective of this research is to investigate the prevalence of asthma and respiratory illness as well as the presence of environmental respiratory irritants in public senior housing. A total of 57 survey participants were recruited from social events for senior citizens sponsored by the Lowell Housing Authority. A paper survey was used to collect data regarding respiratory health and the presence of respiratory irritants in the homes. The study found that a large portion of the study participants has one or more respiratory ailments, and the majority of the participants have respiratory irritants present in their homes. Seniors living in public housing may benefit from residential respiratory health interventions.