Choosing the International Standards Organization's Interlibrary Loan Protocol (ISO) or Preserving the Status Quo?
Piorun, Mary E ; Fama, Jane
Student Authors
Faculty Advisor
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UMass Chan Affiliations
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This paper chronicles an analysis of (1) interlibrary loan workflow and data and (2) how management used this information to make a decision on the ISO question. The National Library of Medicine adopted portions of the ISO Protocol for DOCLINE 2004 as a response to the medical interlibrary loan community. ILLiad, which is already ISO comĀ¬pliant, has responded by announcing an upcoming release of an ISO compatible version of their management system in 2005. If libraries choose to convert to ISO, one DOCLINE function, Loansome Doc, will no longer be available. The question: Is the enhanced functionality with seamless DOCLINE and ILLiad interaction worth the effort that it will take to create and run a new Loansome Doc workflow?
Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Electronic Reserve, 17(1/2), 2007, p. 53-65. View the publisher's version at DOI: 10.1300/J474v17n01_08.