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A Tribute to a Family Physician

Ledwith, James
Student Authors
Faculty Advisor
Academic Program
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Introduction: I have no words for the passing of our good friend and colleague Jim Ledwith. The words others have used about his commitment to students, the city's free clinics, those with substance use disorder and chronic pain, the Fitchburg residency, Learning Communities, MCSTAP (Massachusetts Consultation Service for the Treatment of Addiction and Pain), and more were saint, mensch, selfless, ...

I am going to let Jim's words speak for themselves. Below are two pieces he wrote for the FMM (formerly TMM). The first is a reflection sadly and ironically about Jim helping someone to die with dignity. Jim knew that a good family physician cares for a patient right to the end, transitioning from curing to helping and caring. The story is a reminder to us all that there is always care we can provide. The second is a treatise on how wonderful it is to be a family physician. That is how I will choose to remember Jim - a man who embodied the spirit of family medicine and he was able to capture it below. I am crying as I write this. He gave and gave and gave and in his last moments on this planet he even gave his organs per his wishes so that others would still benefit from his selflessness.

Jim - you will long be remembered. Long and well. We loved you and hope for all the best for your family.

This will be the last edition of FMM for the academic year. We will start up again in September. For this upcoming year - our 50th anniversary as a department - we would very much enjoy hearing from alumni with your stories over the last 50 years. Thank you.

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