Advancement flap for the reconstruction of nasal ala and lateral nasal tip defects
Zeikus, Priya S. ; Maloney, Mary E. ; Jellinek, Nathaniel J.
Zeikus, Priya S.
Maloney, Mary E.
Jellinek, Nathaniel J.
Student Authors
Faculty Advisor
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UMass Chan Affiliations
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Journal Article
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Repair of nasal ala and lateral nasal tip defects provide unique reconstructive challenges. This article describes a one-staged advancement flap for repair of such defects. The flap may be medially-based, laterally-based, or bilaterally-based. Sharp undermining is recommended, and a standing cone must be removed superior to the defect, perpendicular to the alar rim. Temporary alar rim flattening is accepted, and normalizes with time. This reconstruction has provided excellent functional and cosmetic results for defects measuring tip.
Zeikus PS, Maloney ME, Jellinek NJ. Advancement flap for the reconstruction of nasal ala and lateral nasal tip defects. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2006 Dec;55(6):1032-5. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2006.08.049.
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