Genetic requirements for inheritance of RNAi in C. elegans
Grishok, Alla ; Tabara, Hiroaki ; Mello, Craig C.
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In Caenorhabditis elegans, the introduction of double-stranded RNA triggers sequence-specific genetic interference (RNAi) that is transmitted to offspring. The inheritance properties associated with this phenomenon were examined. Transmission of the interference effect occurred through a dominant extragenic agent. The wild-type activities of the RNAi pathway genes rde-1 and rde-4 were required for the formation of this interfering agent but were not needed for interference thereafter. In contrast, the rde-2 and mut-7 genes were required downstream for interference. These findings provide evidence for germ line transmission of an extragenic sequence-specific silencing factor and implicate rde-1 and rde-4 in the formation of the inherited agent.
Science. 2000 Mar 31;287(5462):2494-7.