Let's Discuss: The History of Medical Libraries and Medical Librarianship
Malachowski, Margot G.
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In the Medical Library Association 2022 Janet Doe Lecture, Michael Kronenfeld stated that "The great challenge medical library professionals are facing is how we evolve and respond to the emerging digital era." The Network of the National Library of Medicine invited librarians to explore the history of medical librarianship and the evolution of the profession in a book discussion format based on “The History of Medical Libraries and Medical Librarianship” by Kronenfeld and Kronenfeld. This poster displays a timeline of the history of medical libraries and medical librarianship, a visual of the number of active book discussion participants in relation to the registrants, and word balloons of ideas generated during the three-month discussion.
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Poster presentation for the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting MLA ‘24, Portland, OR, May 2024.