Virtual Poster Session #1
UMMS Research Retreat
UMMS Research Retreat
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Virtual Poster Session #1 (see Poster Session agenda for presenter details) for the University of Massachusetts Medical School Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences 25th Annual Research Retreat, held online on October 26-27, 2020.
Full-text posters made available by presenters in this session:
Poster 12: "Supporting Family Members of Youth in Mental Health Crisis," Joshua Feriante, Maite Cintron, Ariella Shayani, Brian Denietolis, Emily Lauer, David M. Cochran, Yael Dvir, and Emily Rubin
Poster 22: "Transcriptome-wide investigation of stop codon readthrough in Saccharomyces cerevisiae," Kotchaphorn Mangkalaphiban, Feng He, Robin Ganesan, Chan Wu, Richard E. Baker, and Allan S. Jacobson