Chronic Actinomyces Infection Caused by Retained Cervical Cerclage: A Case Report
Lyttle, Brianna M. ; Johnson, Julia V.
Student Authors
Faculty Advisor
Academic Program
UMass Chan Affiliations
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BACKGROUND: Historically, Actinomyces infection has been associated primarily with the intrauterine device. Recently, case reports associating Actinomyces with other implants have been described, including nonwoven polypropylene mesh used for urethral slings and Mersilene cerclage placements. However, there are no reported cases of chronic Actinomyces infections associated with retained Mersilene cerclage.
CASE: A 51-year-old woman, gravida 3, para 3, presented with a 10-year history of vaginal discharge and Actinomyces identified on endometrial biopsy. After failing medical treatment and undergoing a hysterectomy, the patient was found to have a retained Mersilene cerclage.
CONCLUSION: This is the first case to report persistent Actinomyces infection with a retained Mersilene cerclage. No current recommendations exist for assessing full removal of cerclage. Clinicians should have a high suspicion of Actinomyces infection in a patient who presents with persistent vaginal discharge and history of cerclage placement.
J Reprod Med. 2016 Mar-Apr;61(3-4):179-81.