
Correlates of suicidality among patients with psychotic depression

Schaffer, Ayal
Flint, Alastair J.
Smith, Eric
Rothschild, Anthony J.
Mulsant, Benoit H.
Szanto, Katalin
Peasley-Miklus, Catherine
Heo, Moonseong
Papademetriou, Eros
Meyers, Barnett S.
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The independent association of age and other factors with suicidality in patients with major depression with psychotic features was examined. Of the 183 study participants, 21% had a suicide attempt during the current episode. Male gender, Hispanic background, past suicide attempt, higher depression scores, and higher cognitive scores were each independently associated with greater intensity of current suicidality. Older age was independently associated with a lower risk of a lifetime suicide attempt. These findings reinforce the evidence that patients with psychotic depression are at high risk for suicide and underscore the importance of examining correlates of suicidality specific to patients with psychotic depression.


Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2008 Aug;38(4):403-14. Link to article on publisher's site

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