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Emphysematous pancreatitis with pulmonary embolism: A case report

Skaff, Yara
Jarrah, Mohammad
Filippaios, Andreas
Sharkawi, Musa A
Mehawej, Jordy
Student Authors
Faculty Advisor
Academic Program
UMass Chan Affiliations
Document Type
Case Report
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Background: Emphysematous pancreatitis is a severe systemic inflammatory process with reports of pulmonary embolism in the setting of acute pancreatitis rarely described.

Case presentation: A 61-year-old woman presented with severe abdominal pain of 1 day duration. She was found to have acute interstitial pancreatitis. During her hospitalization, the patient developed worsening abdominal pain associated with increasing oxygen demands, requiring supplemental oxygen through nasal cannula. Workup showed pulmonary embolism in the posterior segmental branch of the left lower lobar artery and development of emphysematous pancreatitis was noted on imaging. The patient was started on intravenous antibiotics and therapeutic anticoagulation; her condition improved and was discharged home.

Conclusion: Patients with severe acute pancreatitis may be at risk for pulmonary embolism due to immobilization and other inflammatory mechanisms. Mitigating individualized risk factors and anticoagulation use as prophylaxis should be considered in patients with pancreatitis to prevent embolism. Early detection by clinicians is critical to reduce misdiagnosis and mortality rates.


Skaff Y, Jarrah M, Filippaios A, Sharkawi MA, Mehawej J. Emphysematous pancreatitis with pulmonary embolism: A case report. Respir Med Case Rep. 2023 Jan 16;42:101813. doi: 10.1016/j.rmcr.2023.101813. PMID: 36691653; PMCID: PMC9860406.

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