Librarian Participation in Chart Rounds: Final Results of Two Surveys Measuring the Effectiveness of Librarians Working with Family Medicine Residents in a Clinical Setting
Levin, Len L. ; Nordberg, Judith M ; Haley, Heather-Lyn
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UMass Chan Affiliations
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OBJECTIVE: To measure the impact of librarian participation at multi-disciplinary chart rounds at three central Massachusetts health centers affiliated with the University of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester Family Medicine residency program.
BACKGROUND: Chart rounds, led by Department of Family Medicine and Community Health faculty preceptors, are held daily at each residency practice site. Family Medicine residents present cases based on patients seen that day. New guidelines for chart rounds were developed by residency leadership in 2007 through a grant from AAMC Regional Medicine-Public Health Education Centers. Based on these guidelines, librarians, behavioral health specialists and pharmacists are invited to participate.
METHODS: In early 2010, residents (n=32) were invited to complete an IRB-approved Likert-scale (1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree) survey asking them to evaluate their satisfaction with chart rounds. The survey included three questions focusing on the effectiveness of library participation. Based on the findings of this first survey, initiatives were undertaken to increase librarian impact. These initiatives specifically reached out to PGY1 residents who had scored library participation lower that PGY2 and PGY3 residents. In 2012, a second survey was distributed (n=24) using the same questions. This poster will present results from both surveys specific to librarian involvement. Both sets of results were analyzed using SPSS 17.0.
RESULTS: Results were tabulated for the 2010 survey and the 2012 survey, and were then cross-tabulated to identify changes. The three librarian-related questions posed were -- librarians during rounds: A) changed their [residents] short-term and/or long-term treatment plans; B) helped them locate useful information more efficiently than in the past; and C) helped increase their understanding of identifying and utilizing best-evidence information resources in their practice. Although the sample size was small, following the implementation of the initiatives aimed specifically at first year residents, statistically-significant increases were seen in 2012 survey responses in the first two questions.
DISCUSSION: Librarians from the Lamar Soutter Library at UMass Medical School have been participating in chart rounds for many years; at some centers, even before the formal guidelines were developed in 2007. Through these two surveys, the librarian cohort now have quantitative data demonstrating their effectiveness in these clinical settings.
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Poster presented at the Association of American Medical Colleges, Northeast Group on Educational Affairs meeting, Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 11, 2014.