
Initial clinical trials of the subrenal capsule assay as a predictor of tumor response to chemotherapy

Griffin, T. W.
Bogden, A. E.
Reich, S. D.
Antonelli, D.
Hunter, R. E.
Ward, A.
Yu, D. T.
Greene, H. L. Jr.
Costanza, Mary E.
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Retrospective and prospective clinical trials were performed to determine the usefulness of the 6-day subrenal capsule (SRC) assay for the prediction of response to chemotherapy. Evaluable assays were obtained in 86% of 1000 consecutive specimens obtained from a variety of solid malignancies. Analysis of chemotherapeutic sensitivity in this assay gave reproducible and consistent results. The overall predictive accuracy of the assay in 62 retrospective clinical trials in 55 patients was 85%. Of 37 evaluable patients with chemotherapy refractory cancers treated in a prospective trial with single agent chemotherapy as determined by the assay, 14 (38%) responded. Greater degrees of tumor regression in the assay were associated with a higher probability of clinical response. The SRC assay shows potential value as a rapid predictive test for chemotherapeutic selection on an individual patient basis. However, additional prospective clinical trials are necessary to document its ultimate utility.


Cancer. 1983 Dec 15;52(12):2185-92.

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