Addition of N-glycans in the stalk of the Newcastle disease virus HN protein blocks its interaction with the F protein and prevents fusion
Melanson, Vanessa Rose ; Iorio, Ronald M.
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Faculty Advisor
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UMass Chan Affiliations
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Most paramyxovirus fusion (F) proteins require the coexpression of the homologous attachment (HN) protein to promote membrane fusion, consistent with the existence of a virus-specific interaction between the two proteins. Analysis of the fusion activities of chimeric HN proteins indicates that the stalk region of the HN spike determines its F protein specificity, and analysis of a panel of site-directed mutants indicates that the F-interactive site resides in this region. Here, we use the addition of oligosaccharides to further explore the role of the HN stalk in the interaction with F. N-glycans were individually added at several positions in the stalk to determine their effects on the activities of HN, as well as its structure. N-glycan addition at positions 69 and 77 in the stalk specifically blocks fusion and the HN-F interaction without affecting either HN structure or its other activities. N-glycans added at other positions in the stalk modulate activities that reside in the globular head of HN. This correlates with an alteration of the tetrameric structure of the protein, as indicated by sucrose gradient sedimentation analyses. Finally, N-glycan addition in another region of HN (residues 124 to 152), predicted by a peptide-based analysis to mediate the interaction with F, does not significantly reduce the level of fusion, arguing strongly against this site being part of the F-interactive domain in HN. Our data support the idea that the F-interactive site on HN is defined by the stalk region of the protein.
J Virol. 2006 Jan;80(2):623-33. Link to article on publisher's site