Psychological distress as a barrier to preventive healthcare among U.S. women
Witt, Whitney P. ; Kahn, Robert S. ; Fortuna, Lisa R. ; Winickoff, Jonathan P. ; Kuhlthau, Karen ; Pirraglia, Paul A. ; Ferris, Timothy G.
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To examine the role of psychological distress in accessing routine periodic health examinations among U.S. women of reproductive age, we examined data on 9,166 women aged 18-49 years from the 1998 National Health Interview Survey. In multivariate regression, women with psychological distress were more likely than non-distressed women to report delayed routine care, not having insurance, and lack of a usual source of care. Among women without a usual source of care, distressed women were more than six and one-half times more likely to delay care compared with non-distressed women. Women with psychological distress report delays in receiving routine care. EDITORS' STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS: The findings suggest that, for distressed women in particular, continuity of care is vital in accessing routine care and obtaining timely and effective preventive services.
J Prim Prev. 2009 Sep;30(5):531-47. Epub 2009 Aug 19. Link to article on publisher's site