
Dietary quality 1 year after diagnosis of coronary heart disease

Ma, Yunsheng
Li, Wenjun
Olendzki, Barbara C.
Pagoto, Sherry L.
Merriam, Philip A.
Chiriboga, David E.
Griffith, Jennifer A.
Bodenlos, Jamie S.
Wang, Yanli
Ockene, Ira S.
Embargo Expiration Date

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this ancillary study is to determine the quality of diets in patients with documented coronary heart disease (CHD).

DESIGN: Dietary data were originally collected using a 24-hour dietary recall in 555 patients with CHD, 1 year after a diagnostic coronary angiography. Data used for this investigation were collected between March 2001 and November 2003.

SUBJECTS/SETTING: Patients were participants in a clinical trial to improve adherence to lipid-lowering medications. The Alternate Healthy Eating Index, an instrument designed to evaluate the degree to which a diet has the potential to prevent cardiovascular disease, measured dietary quality.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Linear regression models were used to assess the association of dietary quality with patients' sociodemographic and clinical characteristics.

RESULTS: Mean age of participants was 61 years, with an average body mass index of 30 (calculated as kg/m(2)). Sixty percent were men. Average daily caloric intake was 1,775 kcal, with 50% of calories derived from carbohydrates, 18% from protein, and 32% from total fat. Average Alternate Healthy Eating Index score was 30.8 out of a possible maximum score of 80. Only 12.4% of subjects met the recommended consumption of vegetables, 7.8% for fruit, 8% for cereal fiber, and 5.2% for trans-fat intake. Lower dietary quality was associated with lower total caloric intake, as well as with smoking, obesity, and lower educational level.

CONCLUSIONS: A high proportion of patients reported poor dietary quality 1 year after experiencing a coronary event. Our data support continued efforts to enhance healthful dietary changes over time for secondary prevention of CHD. Dietary change should be emphasized with CHD patients who are less educated, smokers, or obese.


J Am Diet Assoc. 2008 Feb;108(2):240-6; discussion 246-7. Link to article on publisher's site

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