
Requirement of Cdk2-cyclin E activity for repeated centrosome reproduction in Xenopus egg extracts

Hinchcliffe, Edward H.
Li, Chuan
Thompson, Elizabeth A.
Maller, James L.
Sluder, Greenfield
Embargo Expiration Date

The abnormally high number of centrosomes found in many human tumor cells can lead directly to aneuploidy and genomic instability through the formation of multipolar mitotic spindles. To facilitate investigation of the mechanisms that control centrosome reproduction, a frog egg extract arrested in S phase of the cell cycle that supported repeated assembly of daughter centrosomes was developed. Multiple rounds of centrosome reproduction were blocked by selective inactivation of cyclin-dependent kinase 2-cyclin E (Cdk2-E) and were restored by addition of purified Cdk2-E. Confocal immunomicroscopy revealed that cyclin E was localized at the centrosome. These results demonstrate that Cdk2-E activity is required for centrosome duplication during S phase and suggest a mechanism that could coordinate centrosome reproduction with cycles of DNA synthesis and mitosis.


Science. 1999 Feb 5;283(5403):851-4.

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