Therapeutic Antibody Against Neisseria gonorrhoeae Lipooligosaccharide, a Phase-variable Virulence Factor
Chakraborti, Srinjoy
Student Authors
Faculty Advisor
Academic Program
UMass Chan Affiliations
Document Type
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mAb 2C7
chimeric antibody
therapeutic antibody
complement activation
classical complement pathway
neutrophil opsonophagocytosis
engineered antibody
antibody engineering
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
vaccines for gonorrhea
treatments for gonorrhea
hexamerizing antibody
hexamerizing IgG
antibody hexamers
IgG hexamers
complement activating antibody
complement activating IgG
Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins
Immunology of Infectious Disease
Immunoprophylaxis and Therapy
Pathogenic Microbiology
Subject Area
Embargo Expiration Date
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Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Ng) which causes gonorrhea has become multidrug-resistant, necessitating the development of novel therapeutics and vaccines. mAb 2C7 which targets an epitope within an important virulence factor, the lipooligosaccharide (LOS), is a candidate therapeutic mAb. Ninety-four percent of clinical isolates express the 2C7-epitope which is also a vaccine target.
Ng expresses multiple LOS(s) due to phase-variation (pv) of LOS glycosyltransferase (lgt) genes. mAb 2C7 reactivity requires a lactose extension from the LOS core Heptose (Hep) II (i.e. lgtG ‘ON’ [G+]). Pv results in HepI with: two (2-), three (3-), four (4-), or five (5-) hexoses (Hex). How HepI glycans impact Ng infectivity and mAb 2C7 function are unknown and form the bases of this dissertation.
Using isogenic mutants, I demonstrate that HepI LOS glycans modulate mAb 2C7 binding. mAb 2C7 causes complement (C’)-dependent bacteriolysis of three (2-Hex/G+, 4-Hex/G+, and 5-Hex/G+) of the HepI mutants in vitro. The 3-Hex/G+ mutant (resistant to C’-dependent bacteriolysis) is killed by neutrophils in the presence of mAb and C’. In mice, 2- and 3-Hex/G+ infections are significantly shorter than 4- and 5-Hex/G+ infections. A chimeric mAb 2C7 that hyperactivates C’, attenuates only 4- and 5-Hex/G+ infections.
This study enhances understanding of the role of HepI LOS pv in gonococcal infections and shows that longer HepI glycans are necessary for prolonged infections in vivo. This is the first study that predicts in vitro efficacy of mAb 2C7 against all four targetable HepI glycans thereby strengthening the rationale for development of 2C7-epitope based vaccines and therapeutics.