The Power of Community Partnerships for Innovative Regional Solutions for Food Justice: A Food Alert Phone Application for Southcoast Massachusetts
Shea, Timothy P. ; Healy, Deirdre ; Jujjavarapu, Sirisha ; Sullivan, Christine ; Bettencourt, Joyce
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UMass Chan Affiliations
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There is evidence for a growing need for innovative solutions that a collaborative nonprofit network can facilitate. There is now interest by funders in the potential of collaborative networks. However, such networks can be difficult to create and nourish. The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth founded and facilitated a successful nonprofit network which has led to a significant, regional projects. Founded in 2009, Southcoast Serves - based in the Leduc Center for Civic Engagement -- began as a collaborative of over 40 community organizations. Starting as a leap of faith, then slowly developing connections through monthly meetings over five years, by 2014 Southcoast Serves became a set of trusted, collaborative partners, actively looking for effective regional projects. In 2015 Southcoast Serves settled on a regional, food justice campaign that has resulted in a number of projects - most recently the development of a 'Food Finder' web/phone app for the region. The 'Food Finder' project team has successfully utilized people from Southcoast Serves non-profits, the university's LeDuc Center as well as students and faculty from the Charlton College of Business' Management Information Systems group. This poster will present the successful development of the Southcoast Serves network of nonprofits as well as the details of the Food Alert Phone/Web application. Best practices will be highlighted to encourage others to develop their networks.