
Psychiatric Symptoms: Prevalence, Co-occurrence, and Functioning Among Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborns at Age 10 Years

Dvir, Yael
Frazier, Jean A.
Joseph, Robert M.
Mokrova, Irina
Moore, Phoebe S.
O'Shea, T. Michael
Hooper, Stephen R.
Santos, Hudson P. Jr
Kuban, Karl
Embargo Expiration Date

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the percentage of children born extremely preterm (EP) who screen positive for > /=1 DSM-IV psychiatric disorders, the co-occurrence of and sex-related differences in these classifications, and the functional correlates of psychiatric symptoms.

METHODS: The Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborn (ELGAN) Study is a prospective cohort follow-up of children born < 28 weeks' gestation. For 871 10-year-old children, parents completed the Child Symptom Inventory-4 (CSI-4), a child educational/medical history questionnaire, and the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL).

RESULTS: At age 10 years, ELGANs were more likely to screen positive for a number of psychiatric disorders when compared with normative expectations on the CSI-4, with a few sex-related differences. Fifteen percent of participants screened positive for 1 disorder, 7% for 2, 3% for 3, and 4% for > /=4 psychiatric disorders. Compared with children who did not screen positive for psychiatric disorders, children who screened positive for > /=3 psychiatric disorders were approximately twice as likely to have repeated a grade, have an individualized educational program, have an individual school aide, and to require special remediation classes. Children who screened positive for any psychiatric disorder were 4 times more likely to use 1 or more psychotropic medication, and those who screened positive for > /=2 psychiatric disorders had lower PedsQL scores.

CONCLUSION: Among 10-year-old children born EP, rates of psychiatric symptoms exceeded normative expectation, and children who screened positive for more than 1 psychiatric disorder were at increased risk of having multiple functional impairments.


Dvir Y, Frazier JA, Joseph RM, Mokrova I, Moore PS, OʼShea TM, Hooper SR, Santos HP Jr, Kuban K; ELGAN Study Investigators. Psychiatric Symptoms: Prevalence, Co-occurrence, and Functioning Among Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborns at Age 10 Years. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2019 Dec;40(9):725-734. doi: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000000744. PMID: 31764608; PMCID: PMC6884073. Link to article on publisher's site

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