Advancing Stage of Female Reproductive Life Associated with Bipolar Illness Exacerbation
Marsh, Wendy K. ; Ketter, Terence ; Crawford, Sybil L. ; Johnson, Julia V. ; Rothschild, Anthony J.
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Introduction: Perimenopause confers an increased risk of depression in the general population, yet bipolar disorder mood course remains unknown.
Methods: Clinic visits in 519 premenopausal, 116 perimenopausal including 13 women transitioning from peri- to postmenopause, and 133 postmenopausal women with bipolar disorder who received naturalistic treatment in the multisite STEP-Bipolar Disorder study over 19.8 +/- 15.5 months were analyzed for mood state.
Results: Advancing female reproductive stage was associated with significant decline in mood elevation; significant decline in euthymia; no significant difference in major depression; and symptomatic significant increase.
Conclusions: Advancing stage of female reproductive life was associated with bipolar illness exacerbation. Women transitioning from peri- to postmenopause had significantly greater depression than other female reproductive groups.