I Will Be Delivered
Gleich, Gerry
Student Authors
Faculty Advisor
Academic Program
UMass Chan Affiliations
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Introduction: I have always lamented that we have not had music as part of our FMM story telling. That changes today. I am so pleased to share with you the musical reflection of Gerry Gleich, retired family physician who had so many roles in our department including Residency Director and Medical Director of Hahnemann Family Health Center. He has always been an avid guitar player and wrote many songs for the residency and even one for my 40th birthday ("If not for Hugh"!). He has turned his attentions now to more serious music writing and has just released his first album!
He wrote to me and said: this song was inspired by a long-time patient of mine at Hahnemann Family Health Center. He was a retired carpenter in his eighties who always wanted me to call him by his first name and dispense with unnecessary titles like “Mr.” I really enjoyed seeing him over the years. It was difficult for me to see his cognitive function begin to decline, as he was fiercely trying to hang on to his independence. The song is called “I Will Be Delivered.”
You can read the lyrics below - but I advise you to click on one of the links and get the full musical experience. (Then buy the album!)