
Off-pump coronary artery bypass is associated with improved risk-adjusted outcomes

Plomondon, Mary E.
Cleveland, Joseph C.
Ludwig, Shann T.
Grunwald, Gary K.
Kiefe, Catarina I.
Grover, Frederick L.
Shroyer, A. Laurie
Embargo Expiration Date

BACKGROUND: The impact of off-pump median sternotomy coronary artery bypass grafting procedures on risk-adjusted mortality and morbidity was evaluated versus on-pump procedures.

METHODS: Using the Department of Veterans Affairs Continuous Improvement in Cardiac Surgery Program records from October 1997 through March 1999, nine centers were designated as having experience (with at least 8% coronary artery bypass grafting procedures performed off-pump). Using all other 34 Veterans Affairs cardiac surgery programs, baseline logistic regression models were built to predict risk of 30-day operative mortality and morbidity. These models were then used to predict outcomes for patients at the nine study centers. A final model evaluated the impact of the off-pump approach within these nine centers adjusting for preoperative risk.

RESULTS: Patients treated off-pump (n = 680) versus on-pump (n = 1,733) had lower complication rates (8.8% versus 14.0%) and lower mortality (2.7% versus 4.0%). Risk-adjusted morbidity and mortality were also improved for these patients (0.52 and 0.56 multivariable odds ratios for off-pump versus on-pump, respectively, p < 0.05).

CONCLUSIONS: An off-pump approach for coronary artery bypass grafting procedures is associated with lower risk-adjusted morbidity and mortality.


Ann Thorac Surg. 2001 Jul;72(1):114-9.

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