
Prostaglandin F2 alpha-stimulated release of ovarian oxytocin in the sheep in vivo: threshold and dose dependency

Lamsa, Justin C.
Kot, Stanley J.
Eldering, Joyce A.
Nay, Merrilyn G.
McCracken, John A.
Student Authors
Faculty Advisor
Academic Program
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Journal Article
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To determine the threshold of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha)-stimulated oxytocin secretion from the ovine corpus luteum, low levels of PGF2 alpha (5-100 pg/min) were infused into the ovarian arterial blood supply of sheep with ovarian autotransplants. PGF2 alpha was infused for six sequential 10-min periods at hourly intervals, 6, 12, or 24 days after estrus (n = 3 for each day). Each cycle day was studied during a separate cycle. Oxytocin and progesterone in ovarian venous and carotid arterial plasma was measured by radioimmunoassay, and secretion rates were determined (venous-arterial concentration x plasma flow). In animals treated on Day 6, 5 pg/min PGF2 alpha caused a significant release of oxytocin (p less than 0.01), whereas in animals treated on Day 12, this threshold was 40 pg/min (p less than 0.05). In animals treated on Day 24, the threshold for oxytocin release was greater than 100 pg/min. PGF2 alpha did not significantly change ovarian blood flow or progesterone secretion rate on any day (p greater than 0.05). To determine residual luteal oxytocin after each threshold experiment, 5 mg PGF2 alpha was given i.m. to all animals. Significantly more oxytocin was released by Day 6 than by Day 12 and Day 24 corpora lutea, and by Day 12 than by Day 24 corpora lutea (1.2 micrograms, 0.7 microgram, and 0.3 microgram, respectively; p less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


Biol Reprod. 1989 Jun;40(6):1215-23.

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