Vaccination Against SARS-CoV-2 Decreases Risk of Adverse Events in Patients who Develop COVID-19 Following Cancer Surgery
Verhagen, Nathaniel B ; Koerber, Nicolas K ; Szabo, Aniko ; Taylor, Bradley ; Wainaina, J Njeri ; Evans, Douglas B ; Kothari, Anai N
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Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, mortality rates were observed to exceed 25% in patients who developed postoperative SARS-CoV-2 infections.1 This prompted numerous perioperative structural and process changes to mitigate this risk.2,3 As the pandemic has progressed, the emergence of novel therapeutic and preventative measures have proven effective in decreasing the overall burden of SARS-CoV-2 infection. These advances likely reduce the risk in surgical patients; however, this has not been reexamined at a population level. This study reports 30-day adverse postoperative event rates in patients who develop postoperative COVID-19 and measures the impact of vaccination on these outcomes.
Verhagen NB, Koerber NK, Szabo A, Taylor B, Wainaina JN, Evans DB, Kothari AN; N3C Consortium. Vaccination Against SARS-CoV-2 Decreases Risk of Adverse Events in Patients who Develop COVID-19 Following Cancer Surgery. Ann Surg Oncol. 2023 Mar;30(3):1305-1308. doi: 10.1245/s10434-022-12916-z. Epub 2022 Dec 7. PMID: 36479662; PMCID: PMC9734328.
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The UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science (UMCCTS), UL1TR001453, provided data for this study.