HUD-VASH Resource Guide for Permanent Housing and Clinical Care
U. S. Veterans Administration National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans ; Ellison, Marsha Langer ; Kalman, David ; Rodrigues, Stephanie ; Sawh, Leon ; Smelson, David A. ; Ziedonis, Douglas M.
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The Department of Housing and Urban Development – VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Program is a joint effort between HUD and VA to move Veterans and their families out of homelessness and into permanent housing. The HUD-VASH Resource Guide for Permanent Housing and Clinical Care was designed to provide case managers, and other who work with homeless Veterans in the HUD-VASH program, with a comprehensive set of resources to assist in addressing the multifaceted needs of homeless Veterans. The Resource Guide is a product of the National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans and was developed by a dynamic team of researchers, policy analysts, public health experts, psychologists, physicians and social workers located throughout the country.
United States Department of Veterans Affairs, National Center on Homelessness among Veterans. (2012). HUD-VASH resource guide for permanent housing and clinical care. Link to book on publisher's website
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Marsha Langer Ellison, David Kalman, Stephanie Rodrigues, Leon Sawh, David A. Smelson, and Douglas M. Ziedonis of the University of Massachusetts Medical School are contributing authors.