It is Time for Zero Tolerance for Sexual Harassment in Academic Medicine
Bates, Carol K. ; Jagsi, Reshma ; Gordon, Lynn K. ; Travis, Elizabeth ; Chatterjee, Archana ; Gillis, Marin ; Means, Olivia ; Chaudron, Linda ; Ganetzky, Rebecca ; Gulati, Martha ... show 5 more
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While there are more women in leadership positions in academic medicine now than ever before in our history, evidence from recent surveys of women and from graduating medical students demonstrates that sexual harassment continues in our institutions. Our ability to change the culture is hampered by fear of reporting episodes of harassment, which is largely due to fear of retaliation. We describe some efforts in scientific societies that are addressing this and working to establish safe environments at national meetings. We must also work at the level of each institution to make it safe for individuals to come forward, to provide training for victims and for bystanders, and to abolish "locker room" talk that is demeaning to women.
Acad Med. 2017 Nov 7. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002050. [Epub ahead of print] Link to article on publisher's site