The MISSION-VET Consumer Workbook
Smelson, David A. ; Sawh, Leon ; Rodrigues, Stephanie ; Munoz, Emily Clark ; Marzilli, Alan ; Tripp, Julia ; Ziedonis, Douglas M.
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Summary: Supplemental workbook for the Maintaining Independence and Sobriety through Systems Integration, Outreach, and Networking (MISSION) treatment approach, which was adapted specifically for Veterans (MISSION-VET). MISSION-VET, a flexible, integrated, time-limited, yet assertive service delivery platform was designed specifically to provide direct treatment, ongoing support, and care coordination to homeless Veterans suffering from co-occurring disorders and transitioning and/or adjusting to independent living in the community.
The Consumer Workbook is a supplemental workbook to engage homeless Veterans by providing exercises and resources to aid in their recovery from a co-occurring disorder and homelessness. Peer Support Specialists and Case Managers should work with the Veteran to complete the items in the workbook that correspond with specific Dual-Recovery Therapy sessions and use the workbook as a talking point in helping clients with co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse, homelessness and related issues that arise in the various stages of their recovery.
Smelson, D. A., Sawh, L., Rodrigues, S., Munoz, E., Marzilli, A., & Tripp, J. (2011). Maintaining independence and sobriety through systems integration, outreach, and networking: Veterans edition, the MISSION-VET consumer workbook. United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Link to book on publisher's website