Using Structured Telephone Follow-up Assessments to Improve Suicide-Related Adverse Event Detection
Arias, Sarah A. ; Zhang, Zi ; Hillerns, Carla ; Sullivan, Ashley F. ; Boudreaux, Edwin D ; Miller, Ivan ; Camargo, Carlos A. Jr.
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Adverse event (AE) detection and reporting practices were compared during the first phase of the Emergency Department Safety Assessment and Follow-up Evaluation (ED-SAFE), a suicide intervention study. Data were collected using a combination of chart reviews and structured telephone follow-up assessments postenrollment. Beyond chart reviews, structured telephone follow-up assessments identified 45% of the total AEs in our study. Notably, detection of suicide attempts significantly varied by approach with 53 (18%) detected by chart review, 173 (59%) by structured telephone follow-up assessments, and 69 (23%) marked as duplicates. Findings provide support for utilizing multiple methods for more robust AE detection in suicide research.
Arias SA, Zhang Z, Hillerns C, Sullivan AF, Boudreaux ED, Miller I, Camargo CA. Using Structured Telephone Follow-up Assessments to Improve Suicide-Related Adverse Event Detection. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2014 Mar 3. doi:10.1111/sltb.12088. Link to article on publisher's site