Management of a Patient with an Encapsulated Parapneumonic Empyema Complicated by the Intraoperative Development of an Acute Bronchopleural Fistula and ARDS
Lee, Nancy ; Heard, Stephen O.
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We report the use of independent lung ventilation (ILV) in a patient with severe underlying parenchymal disease who developed bronchopleural fistula (BPF) after thoracotomy and decortication of an empyema with subsequent development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). While a great majority of patients with either ARDS or BPF can be successfully managed with conventional ventilation strategies, the additional management challenges presented by BPF in the setting of ARDS and sepsis often necessitate the utilization of alternative ventilation strategies such as ILV, high frequency ventilation (HFV), and extracorporeal support.
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Poster presentation at the New England Anesthesia Resident Conference, held on March 24, 2012 in Burlington, VT.