A Review of Responses to the OSTP Memo, or, A Journey Through the Land of Acronyms
Henderson, Margaret E. ; Reznik-Zellen, Rebecca C
Henderson, Margaret E.
Reznik-Zellen, Rebecca C
Student Authors
Faculty Advisor
Academic Program
UMass Chan Affiliations
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A supplementary slide presentation prepared for the 2015 e-Science Symposium by Margaret Henderson, Director of Research Services, Virginia Commonwealth University and Rebecca Reznik-Zellen, Head of Research and Scholarly Communication Services, Lamar Soutter Library, University of Massachusetts Medical School. This slide deck is an overview of some of the main points of the federal department plans created in response to the OSTP Memo that requires public access to papers and data produced with government funds. Specifically, this covers HHS, DOD, DOE, NASA, and NSF responses.