
Endovascular vs Medical Management for Late Anterior Large Vessel Occlusion With Prestroke Disability: Analysis of CLEAR and RESCUE-Japan

Siegler, Author S James E
Qureshi, Muhammad M
Nogueira, Raul G
Tanaka, Kanta
Nagel, Simon
Michel, Patrik
Vigilante, Nicholas
Ribo, Marc
Yamagami, Hiroshi
Yoshimura, Shinichi
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Siegler ASJE, Qureshi MM, Nogueira RG, Tanaka K, Nagel S, Michel P, Vigilante N, Ribo M, Yamagami H, Yoshimura S, Abdalkader M, Haussen DC, Mohammaden MH, Nannoni S, Möhlenbruch M, Henon H, Sheth SA, Gutierrez SO, Olive-Gadea M, Caparros F, Şeker F, Zaidi S, Castonguay A, Uchida K, Sakai N, Puri AS, Farooqui M, Toyoda K, Salazar-Marioni S, Takeuchi M, Farzin B, Masoud HE, Kuhn AL, Rana A, Morimoto M, Shibata M, Nonaka T, Klein P, Sathya A, Kiley NL, Cordonnier C, Strambo D, Demeestere J, Ringleb PA, Roy D, Zaidat OO, Jovin TG, Kaesmacher J, Fischer U, Raymond J, Nguyen TN. Endovascular vs Medical Management for Late Anterior Large Vessel Occlusion With Prestroke Disability: Analysis of CLEAR and RESCUE-Japan. Neurology. 2022 Nov 4:10.1212/WNL.0000000000201543. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000201543. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36332983.

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