The third annual Northeast Institutional Repository Day 2021 (NIRD21) was a free virtual event held Thursday, December 2, 2021 from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern time. The goal of this event was to bring together all in the Northeast (and beyond) who manage or are interested in institutional repositories, digital collections, and digital preservation. This collection is a repository of conference materials and is hosted by the Lamar Soutter Library at UMass Chan Medical School.

NIRD21 Program Committee

  • Erin Jerome, UMass Amherst
  • Stephen Krueger, Dartmouth College
  • Emily O'Brien, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Lisa Palmer, UMass Chan Medical School
  • Sadie Roosa, MIT

NIRD Executive Committee

  • Eleni Castro, Boston University
  • Erin Jerome, UMass Amherst
  • Colin Lukens, Harvard
  • Mikki Simon Macdonald, MIT
  • Lisa Palmer, UMass Chan Medical School

Acknowledgements: The NIRD Executive Committee and the NIRD21 Program Committee thank the following organizations and individuals for their contributions to this event:

  • MIT Libraries for virtual hosting and providing live captioning
  • Boston University Libraries' Greene Scholars Creative Team and particularly to Hannah Hong (CFA '23) for generously providing the graphics for our event
  • The Lamar Soutter Library, UMass Chan Medical School for website hosting
  • Our wonderful presenters.

Recently Published

  • Authority Control for Metadata in Institutional Repositories

    Cho, James H. (2021-12-02)
    One of the core principles of cataloging is to catalog with the user in mind. The search needs of patrons when searching in institutional repositories are different from that of traditional research in library catalogs and discovery layers. An institutional repository aims to promote, showcase and market the innovative scholarship produced by faculty and staff at a particular academic institution. A potential user may wish to find all the scholarship produced by an institution, its colleges and departments, or its individual researchers. Or a patron may wish to see what a cross section of faculty are producing in a specific area, subject or topic. Because of these specific user needs, authority control of both names and subjects is vital for the accessibility of resources and for the satisfaction of the end users. Authority control in institutional repositories is particularly important but it is often lacking. A successful search by the patron is determined by the ability to find research assets by creator name, their academic and unit affiliations, and by subject headings in the search bar. Authority control also enables access points/hyperlinks within individual bibliographic records to link to other records and resources with similar metadata. And finally, these forms of consistent metadata ensures interoperability between institutional repositories and traditional discovery layers. This presentation seeks to illustrate the importance of authority control, both name and subject, in general, and how this librarian specifically instituted these features into his academic library’s institutional repository, Adelphi Scholarly Works, an instance of the platform, Esploro by Ex Libris.
  • Turn and Face the Strange (DAMS Changes): Temporarily Migrating Digital Collections into an Institutional Repository

    Exline, Eleta; Colbert, Jay (2021-12-02)
    Like many libraries, our library operates two repository systems - an Institutional Repository (IR) for scholarship and university publications and a Digital Asset Management System (DAMS) for digitized library collections. Faced with the need to migrate out of our aging DAMS with no replacement system yet chosen, we wondered if the IR could serve as a transient home for our digitized collections while we solidified other plans. What compromises would we need to make in order to carry through with this plan? What might we learn about these collections by bringing them together in one location? What steps could we take to ensure a successful migration? In this presentation we will discuss our temporary migration and the lessons we learned along the way. Topics will include the overlapping aims of IRs and DAMS as content repositories, the functional and metadata requirements of different types of digital content, stop gap measures we used to support missing functions, and how our experience is informing our selection and migration to a new DAMS.
  • Increasing material and department diversity in the institutional repository: Outreach to art faculty and students

    Baribeau, Hilary (2021-12-02)
    Institutional repositories began as and continue to be repositories designed to primarily support text-based materials. However, the importance of supporting diverse collections and of showcasing the wide range of materials, works, and outputs across an academic institution necessitates the inclusion of non-textual materials and the development of outreach techniques to researchers and faculty members who produce work that is often difficult to collect and catalog. The Art Department at Colby College, a small, private liberal arts college in Maine, only represents 2.8% of the total faculty and student materials in the repository systems at Colby College, which include Digital Commons and JSTOR Forum. However, many of the faculty members are exhibiting artists. Students who participate in the Studio Art and in the Art History program create and showcase materials during their Senior Capstone that have been so far been underrepresented in the institutional collections. In the Spring of 2021, a new position was created at Colby College for a Scholarly Communications Librarian to further develop Colby College Libraries’ digital collections and to support the research and intellectual work of Colby Students and faculty. As part of this work, the new Scholarly Communications Librarian started to work with both the studio capstone program and an art faculty member to better capture, describe, and showcase their work. This is part of a wider goal to increase both material and departmental representation in the Colby College repository spaces, assess the pressure points and growth opportunities for the current repository infrastructures, and to increase the visibility of open access initiatives on campus. This presentation will discuss the work that has been done so far, specifically highlighting copyright and digital rights management considerations when working with artists, the lessons learned, and will conclude with an open discussion of the goals for further developing this initiative.
  • Choose IR Own Adventure: Re-examining the Purpose and Mission of our Institutional Repository

    Hersey, Denise; Silkotch, Christie; Burns, Chris; O'Malley, Donna L.; Ross, Lyman (2021-12-02)
    For years, libraries have been involved in the development and management of campus institutional repositories (IRs). The purpose of these IRs varies but it is often to provide a platform for collecting and making freely available the scholarly output of the university or college. Depending on the breadth of materials and campus constituencies represented in the IR, library staff often spend many hours managing this resource. Given the proliferation of online platforms for sharing scholarly works, is this time worth the effort, or can it be diverted into new and possibly more relevant projects? The Library system at the University of Vermont began supporting the University’s IR in 2007, and is currently licensing BePress from Elsevier as the platform. Library staff have recently begun to reevaluate the viability of continuing to support the IR in its current form. In order to determine the future of the library’s involvement in the IR, a working group of librarians has been systematically reexamining the purpose and mission of UVM’s IR, the platform on which to house it, the type of content to include, and the staffing model needed to sustain it. This group hopes to align the mission and management structure of institutional repository services with the library’s strategic plan and the university’s strategic vision. We will share the process by which we engaged in this work, and the changes we plan to recommend as a result.
  • Wrangling Horses and Herding Cats: ETDs and Other Terminal Projects (OTPs)

    Swicord, G. W. (2021-12-02)
    The nature of graduate student works has evolved in response to technological and academic changes. At the University of Florida, the Libraries work closely with the Graduate School to make terminal works available through the Institutional Repository (IR@UF). This presentation discusses the Libraries decision to establish Terminal Projects (TPs) as a category used to encompass traditional electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) and other terminal projects (OTPs) that are required to complete a graduate degree at UF. To open discussion, I will compare and contrast UF's Graduate School output with graduate TPs from other colleges, schools, and departments. I will cover some structural factors at UF that led to the need for a super-category, encompassing ETDs and other projects at UF required to complete a graduate degree. Records analysis will test the hypothesis that the ratio of OTPs to TPs is growing. I will cover the challenges of looking for stats on a subject not built into any of the available data sources: our main catalog, metadata from the IR@UF, email, production folders, and a Microsoft Access tracking database. The rest of the discussion covers the current effort to standardize and streamline intake and tracking of OTPs. The tracking database grew from work on an Excel template intended to gather tracking data from the degree granting units (DGUs). This work inspired a new goal: working with DGUs to identify keywords or notes that would support global searches for their students' works. Adding such consistent terms can enable us to import data into the bibliographic records created by our cataloging unit, and export the same information to include in the tracking sy]stem. Having data points like author names, titles, degrees, and DGUs in the tracking system will enable smoother, more personalized support for authors and DGU staff.
  • Leveraging Institutional Social and Online Media for IR Outreach

    Gordon, Larissa (2021-12-02)
    The plan was to investigate the recent publications of faculty featured online for their research and community accomplishments. After it was determined if the faculty member had a presence in the IR, or if recent publications could be imported into the IR, the librarian reached out to the faculty member to educate them about the repository, commend ongoing participation, and/or obtain accepted manuscripts to post to the repository. Many OA articles not picked up by automatic searching strategies were also identified and added to the repository this way. Statistics and notes about conversations the librarian held with faculty were kept and used after six months to assess this new method of outreach. It was decided to continue with this program once back on campus.
  • Partnering with Research Centers: Outreach, Hosting Services and Promotion

    Herr, Melody; Middleton, Cedar; Kelly, Jessica (2021-12-02)
    Are you seeking new content for your repository? Are you eager to forge partnerships across campus? Come to this session for inspiration and practical tips for working with research centers. The University of Arkansas repository team will discuss successful strategies for - Outreach – recruitment, collaborating with fellow librarians, initiating contact - Hosting services – multi-format platform, discoverability through metadata, uploads, usage statistics - Promotion – social media, celebrating mutual achievements Note: This video presentation is platform agnostic.
  • A Collaborative Faculty Achievement Collections Process

    Peters, Victoria (2021-12-02)
    DePauw University’s institutional repository, “Scholarly and Creative Works from DePauw University,” was in its beginning stages when I began my position as Scholarly Communication and Cataloging Librarian in July of 2020. There were some faculty members who used the service, provided by the DePauw Libraries, frequently. But many others who did not have their works represented due to the submission process, or lack thereof. The Faculty Development and Dean of the Faculty also collected faculty research and creative output in the form of a Libguide and a yearly achievement booklet. I sought to combine our efforts of collecting these items into a single process. Working in collaboration with the Dean of the Libraries, Dean of the Faculty, Academic Affairs, and the Faculty Development Coordinator, we created a Faculty Achievement Submission Form to benefit all departments. In my lightning talk I will describe the process of creating the form as well as the new institutional repository workflow I was able to implement.
  • Digital Repository Legacies: A Case Study in Assessing Organizational Trustworthiness

    Reijerkerk, Dana; Nyitray, Kristen J. (2021-12-02)
    Academic libraries rarely discuss cases of digital repositories that do not meet the standards expected of trusted digital repositories. Implications from inconsistent adherence to technical and professional criteria often surface during migration projects. In 2020, Stony Brook University Libraries began migrating assets to a mono-repository environment. Persistent historical factors presented challenges to repository trustworthiness. This case study discusses a survey project to evaluate legacy repository statuses in the contexts of infrastructure, documentation, and staff capacity. It considers a paradigm of organizational accountability in digital asset stewardship and offers insights for reconciling inherited legacies with aspirations to be a trusted repository.
  • Conference Program: Northeast Institutional Repository Day 2021 (NIRD21)

    Northeast Institutional Repository Day (2021-12-02)
    Detailed schedule for Northeast Institutional Repository Day 2021 (NIRD21) on Thursday, December 2, 2021.
  • Technical Reports in the Repository: Syncing a unique grey literature collection in multiple library systems

    Jackson, Esther M.; Bielskas, Amanda S.; Holmes, Emily; Wacker, Melanie (2021-12-02)
    Academic Commons is the digital repository of Columbia University and its affiliated institutions. Currently over 32,000 works are accessible through this portal. However, finding new ways to add unique collections and their metadata to the institutional repository (IR) is a constant challenge. One of those unique collections are the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory Technical Reports, a set of scientific geoscience reports dating from 1949 to 2003. A cross-departmental team at Columbia University Libraries set out to digitize 298 of these technical papers comprising 32,597 pages and including 151 foldouts of various sizes. Metadata was already largely available through WorldCat and for this reason a workflow was devised that enabled the team to reuse that existing MARC metadata from OCLC WordCat and at the same time increase access and visibility of these resources by making them digitally available through WorldCat, HathiTrust, CLIO, (Columbia’s local integrated library system (ILS)), Internet Archive, and Academic Commons (the IR). This new workflow involves digitization of the original print reports, cataloging of the physical and digital copies, dynamically cross-walking (via HySync, an internal application) the MARC metadata from the ILS to a MODS-based format in Academic Commons, where the reports were assigned DOIs and made available for download. Since the collection was made available in the IR in September of 2020, the items have been viewed over 6,000 times and downloaded nearly 3,000 times. This presentation will outline the individual steps comprising the new workflow, from selection over digitization and cataloging to discovery, the benefits enabled by this collaboration across departmental lines, but also address the challenges encountered along the way.
  • Mirror Images: Performing a format migration of Kodak PhotoCD files

    Patterson, Tricia (2021-12-02)
    Harvard Library’s repository holds over 3,800 still images with Kodak PhotoCD files as their preservation copy. Originally deposited in the early 2000s, when the proprietary format was still considered a sustainable option, support for PhotoCD has declined in the past two decades. Tools that can accurately render and convert the format are increasingly scarce, and the window of time for generating new high-quality preservation copies of these archival objects narrows each year. In-depth color space analysis and migration research to establish a foundation for migration pathways of the PhotoCD files was conducted for the Library by a National Digital Stewardship Resident (NDSR). A project team composed of members from the Digital Preservation and Imaging Services units has now assembled to complete the project while the necessary tools are still available. This lightning talk will provide a synopsis of the conversion considerations, migration process, and decisions made about the next-generation formats and the resulting new still image objects.
  • IR Outreach: Reaching Beyond the Regular

    Gruwell, Cindy (2021-12-02)
    Marketing our Argo IRCommons is no easy task. Though it has existed for almost a decade, its growth and progress has been stunted by the lack of consistent coordination and management. With a new manager and coordinator on board it was time to make changes that would foster new collections and faculty submissions in order to showcase the robust research of the university. In collaboration with the Argo IRCommons Manager we pulled together an aggressive approach to marketing and outreach that would include informing faculty about the IRCommons, proactively requesting recently published works, and bringing students into the conversation. In addition we would pay close attention to the inclusion of underrepresented POC, women in STEM,and non-traditional students wherever and whenever possible. Join me and learn more about our journey.
  • How we doubled our deposits in two years: Developing campus connections and outreach to engage scholars in repository and open access services

    Lange, Jessica (2021-12-02)
    The pandemic brought significant attention to the open access movement and an increased interest and engagement from scholars towards open access and repositories. Libraries can capitalize on this watershed moment to promote their services and connect more deeply with campus researchers and units on open access. This presentation will describe initiatives at McGill University to promote the library’s open access services including its open repository, eScholarship. These efforts have included greater collaboration with the campus’ Office of Sponsored Research, increased presence in university-wide communication channels, as well as the development of a successful 30-minute workshop “How to make your work open access: Psst it doesn’t have to cost money”. This work has borne immediate fruit for the repository, with deposits doubling over the past two years. This presentation will discuss these outreach and collaboration strategies, as well as improved workflows to handle the increase in deposits. It will also briefly discuss the recent survey results from eScholarship users, highlighting areas for future improvement. The slides for Jessica's workshop “How to make your work open access: Psst it doesn’t have to cost money” are available for download.
  • Developing a Comprehensive Faculty Bibliography to Facilitate Scholarly Communications Outreach

    Wirth, Andrea; Miskey, Christina (2021-12-02)
    In 2016, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) began compiling a faculty bibliography in order to keep a comprehensive record of and showcase the institution’s research. Published in the institutional repository and positioned as a central project of the Scholarly Communication Initiatives (SCI) department, the bibliography serves as a marketing tool for the repository, open access, and research impact outreach, while also providing partnership opportunities across campus. Existing literature discussing faculty bibliographies frequently frames workflows around existing knowledge of programming to create these databases. Many scholarly communication departments don't have programming staff, or their access is limited to a campus and/or library IT department that cannot dedicate themselves to such a project. This was no different for UNLV, where the workflows for the bibliography were designed utilizing records obtained from faculty activity reporting software and research databases, often in spreadsheet format. The project was designed to establish the repository, and in turn the library, as the authoritative showcase for the research and creative efforts of UNLV faculty. During this session, we aim to discuss the lessons learned along the way, including missteps and obstacles, staffing changes required, improvements on the horizon, and ways we’ve needed to adapt workflows over the years. We will also discuss what resources we used (such as adapting examples from other institutions, OpenRefine, and campus stakeholders to obtain faculty annual self-reported scholarship data), and the methods we’ve used for assessing the success of the bibliography project (response rates and deposits, downloads from the institutional repository). Attendees will also be able to learn about how they could implement a similar project using their institutional repository and what they, and their institution, could gain by doing so.
  • Scholarly Metrics Reports for Tenure and Promotion Candidates

    DeLuca, Lisa; Ince, Sharon (2021-12-02)
    Seton Hall University Libraries created a scholarly metrics outreach initiative in Summer 2021. Repository metrics are collected from our Institutional Repository (IR) to build reports for faculty applying for Rank and Tenure. This data includes IR statistics: downloads by country, institution, sector, and referrers. The IR also shows metadata hits over time. The addition of PlumX metrics to our IR allows us to view additional usage data including WorldCat statistics, social media across platforms and news mentions. It is possible that faculty may not know about social media or news coverage about their scholarship. Additionally, Google Scholar, Scopus and other data will be pulled into the report based on the faculty member’s discipline. This presentation will discuss a new workflow we created to support this service including: faculty outreach, training for library staff, interpretation of data for the University Rank and Tenure, and working with campus stakeholders such as the Office of Grants & Research to promote scholarly output. Opportunities and lessons learned will be collected this fall to report at the conference. Opportunities include faculty outreach ahead of tenure application deadlines, promotion and education about the importance of pre-prints in an IR to gather scholarship metrics, understanding metadata, and expansion of IR content to include syllabi collections, research projects and e-journals. This service may grow with other types of report requests. Repository metrics can are useful for book proposals or departmental accreditation reports. Lessons learned will highlight feedback from faculty, across many disciplines, library staff and faculty, and rank and tenure committee members.
  • Dueling Repository Woes: Greater Needs, Fewer In-House Experts

    Paquette, Michelle; Menchen, Sadie (2021-12-02)
    This session will serve as a brief case study of how one college special collections unit navigated a particularly transitional year in which they faced an unparalleled increase in demand for digital collections access alongside a reduction of in-house technical support for their digital repository. As at other institutions, the COVID-19 pandemic majorly impacted the operations of Smith College Special Collections (SCSC), with a switch to remote teaching, cancelled fellowship visits, and physical collections that were suddenly inaccessible. To provide the remote access to archives and special collections needed to facilitate teaching and research, SCSC spun up a digitization-on-demand workflow. Using a pseudo “assembly line” model, SCSC digitized over 70,000 pages of material from over 1200 digitization requests between August 2020 and July 2021.
  • Trans Inclusion Through Name Change Policies in Institutional Repositories

    Krueger, Stephen G. (2021-12-02)
    As awareness and acceptance of trans and gender diverse people grows, scholarly publishing has seen a movement to support trans authors through inclusive name change policies. This work mainly happens through trans scholars approaching publishers and requesting these changes. Sometimes this results in a new policy that supports the authors and protects them from being outed to co-authors and readers; other times, the policies are less than ideal or do not change at all. While most of the focus is on publishers and organizations, institutional repositories can and should take similar steps to respect and protect their trans authors. This presentation will go over the reasons why it is important to take steps to protect authors in this way, then walk through the background of the push to make scholarly publishing more trans-inclusive through author name change policies. It will then address practical considerations for developing such policies for institutional repositories. Specific issues include the logistics of author name changes, how to inform authors of their options, and how to minimize outing trans authors.
  • Campus Poetry Walk: (Re)creating and Reconnecting a Community

    Villa, Lisa (2021-12-02)
    In January 2020, the Outreach and Engagement Team at the College of the Holy Cross began preparing a poetry walk, which was reconfigured to a social media “poetry event” due to COVID-19. With the anticipated return of students to campus for the Spring 2021 semester and a need for the community (especially students) to have recreational opportunities that were safe, socially distanced and preferably outside, the Team attempted for a second time to plan a poetry walk. CrossWorks, the institutional repository for the College, was a part of this plan from the beginning. Foremost, CrossWorks would support the scholarly and creative work of the community as a preservation and access tool for the project. Just as importantly however, the IR could serve as the means for members of the community who were still dispersed, not yet back to campus, or coming to campus infrequently to enjoy the walk virtually. The Outreach and Engagement Team collaborated with both academic and non-academic departments to assemble a mile-long loop through campus featuring original student poetry and poetry from the library’s Distinctive Collections. The project was very successful, with 600 downloads. It was also a great way to promote CrossWorks and solicit more scholarly work as the academic year came to a close. Most rewarding has been the feedback from students and faculty, who appreciated the poetry walk as a way to feel connected to campus and community despite the many ways people were disconnected.
  • From Pandemic Alternative to Purposeful Archive: Student Research Reaches New Audiences in Misericordia Digital Commons

    Cech, Maureen (2021-12-02)
    Since spring 2020, higher education has required alternatives both day-to-day operations and its most cherished traditions. Student Research Poster Day is a spring tradition at Misericordia when (primarily) graduating seniors from each college share the results of semester- and year-long research projects with the campus community. Students—many assisting faculty mentors—have the opportunity to explain their findings and describe research challenges and surprises in a conference-like poster session. Misericordia Digital Commons offered a virtual solution for Spring 2020 and 2021 when face-to-face events were not ideal due to the pandemic. Originally viewed as a temporary alternative to the preferred in-person event, making this student research available to a global audience has resulted in enormous success for the repository, Misericordia’s students, and the institution by showcasing Misericordia’s commitment to undergraduate research opportunities.