We are upgrading the repository! A content freeze is in effect until December 11, 2024. New submissions or changes to existing items will not be allowed during this period. All content already published will remain publicly available for searching and downloading. Updates will be posted in the Website Upgrade 2024 FAQ in the sidebar Help menu. Reach out to escholarship@umassmed.edu with any questions.
    About eScholarship@UMassChan Repository - UMass Chan Medical School

About eScholarship@UMassChan


Aims and Scope

eScholarship@UMassChan is a freely available digital archive for UMass Chan Medical School’s research and scholarship. Our goal is to archive journal articles, theses, datasets, preprints, posters, presentations and other materials produced by UMass Chan faculty, researchers, staff, and students. eScholarship@UMassChan is a service of the Lamar Soutter Library, Worcester, MA, USA; launched in 2006 as eScholarship@UMMS (ISSN 2640-0081), it was rebranded in 2021 when the University of Massachusetts Medical School became UMass Chan Medical School. In August 2022, all content in eScholarship@UMassChan moved to a new web platform, Open Repository.

Content archived in eScholarship@UMassChan includes:

Benefits of eScholarship@UMassChan

  • Free to participate for UMass Chan faculty, staff, and students
  • Free to search and download for readers worldwide
  • Searched by Google, Google Scholar and other search engines and metadata aggregators to maximize readership and impact (citations) of your scholarship
  • Usage statistics on downloads and views are available
  • DOIs and Creative Commons licenses are available
  • Ability to include supplemental materials such as datasets, additional tables, spreadsheets, video files, etc.
  • Public access can be delayed for a specified time (an "embargo")
  • Great recruitment tool for schools and departments to recruit students, faculty, researchers
  • Helps ensure long-term availability of digital materials
  • Provides a permanent link for each document and easy access to your papers
  • Managed by the Library


Policies related to DEPOSIT of materials in eScholarship@UMassChan

  • Submission Guidelines: These guidelines explain who may deposit content, eligible content, copyright, and the submission process.
  • Data Deposit Policy: This policy provides specific guidelines for depositing digital research data in eScholarship@UMassChan.
  • Accessibility: These guidelines explain how authors can provide accessible content and how users can report concerns. 
  • eScholarship@UMassChan Non-Exclusive Deposit License: In order for eScholarship to distribute your submission worldwide, you must agree to these terms.
  • Digital Collections Policy: This policy articulates the scope and selection factors for the creation, collection, organization, dissemination, and management of digital content through eScholarship@UMassChan.
  • Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Minting Policy: This policy articulates the scope of materials that can be assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) through the Lamar Soutter Library, and the process of obtaining a DOI.
  • Digital Preservation: The repository utilizes the Amazon's Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to create permanent archives for the purpose of ensuring long-term availability and accessibility of repository content.

Policies related to USE of materials available in eScholarship@UMassChan

  • Terms of Use: The Terms of Use state the terms and conditions for using the eScholarship@UMassChan repository website.

Videos and Presentations

Quick overview: eScholarship@UMassChan repository flyer

The recording and slides for our webinar "eScholarship@UMassChan: Share UMass Chan Research with the World" are available.


Selected publications about the history of eScholarship@UMassChan:

Palmer LA, Gore SA. Taking flight to disseminate translational research: A partnership between the UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science and the library’s institutional repository. In: Conte, Marisa L., ed. Translating Expertise: The Librarian's Role in Translational Research. Vol. 8, Medical Library Association Books Series. Rowman and Littlefield, 2016.

Piorun M, Palmer LA. Digitizing dissertations for an institutional repository: a process and cost analysis. J Med Libr Assoc. 2008 Jul;96(3):223-9. doi: 10.3163/1536-5050.96.3.008. PMID: 18654648; PMCID: PMC2479051.

Piorun ME, Palmer LA, Comes, J. Challenges and Lessons Learned: Moving from Image Database to Institutional Repository. OCLC Systems & Services. 2007;23(2):148-157. doi:10.1108/10650750710748450.

Contact Us

Questions? Contact escholarship@umassmed.edu.