Moreschi, John2022-08-232022-08-232018-12-042019-03-07 issue brief details the potential scope of changes a new rule proposed by the Department of Homeland Security could have on immigrants in Massachusetts. The proposed rule would change the process by which an immigrant is determined inadmissible into the United States on the grounds that they could become a "public charge." This brief outlines the impact this rule could have on enrollment in benefit programs including Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Client/Partner: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundationen-USMedicaidDepartment of Homeland SecurityimmigrationSupplemental Nutrition Assistance ProgramSNAPMassachusettsHealth EconomicsHealth Law and PolicyHealth PolicyHealth Services AdministrationHealth Services ResearchThe Proposed Public Charge Rule: An Overview and Implications in MassachusettsReport